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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Van Horne Record; Jan. 4, 1918
Death Calls Mr. Mathew Temple
Mathew Temple

Mathew Temple, a pioneer railroad engineer, died suddenly Monday afternoon, December 24th, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. B. F. Paul, in Blairstown. His death was apparently due to heart failure and came without warning. Mrs. Paul had been at the store of her husband through the afternoon assisting with the Christmas trade. On returning home to prepare the evening meal she found the father dead in his chair. At noon when she left he had been in his usual health.

Form many years Mr. Temple resided at Carroll and about seven years ago was retired from active service. Several years ago his wife died quite suddenly and for the past four years head made his home with his daughter, Mrs. B. F. Paul. He was a man universally respected for his sterling traits of character - Belle Plaine Union.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 11-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

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