Cedar Valley Times; April 26 & April 28 1930
Agnes Smith
LaPorte City, April 26-Mrs. Agnes Smith of LaPorte City, former resident of Benton County, died at 4 p.m. Friday at the Allen Memorial hospital in Waterloo. Mrs. Smith entered the hospital Thursday evening for treatment. Funeral arrangements have not been announced.
Mrs. Smith was the widow of Henry Smith. The family lived on a farm in the Fairview neighborhood in Benton county many years. There are three children living, namely; Roy Smith, who operates the farm owned by his late parents; Mrs. Elsie Longley of Riverside, California and Clark Smith of Waterloo.
BURY MRS. H. SMITH IN BENTON CEMETERY LaPorte City, April 28-Funeral services for Mrs. Henry Smith, who died Friday at the Allen Memorial hospital in Waterloo will be held Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. at her home in LaPorte City by the Rev. S.S. Smick of Des Moines. Burial in Fairview cemetery in Benton County.
Agnes Ellen Yule was born in Cedar county, Iowa, August 12, 1853. She came in Benton County as a bride and lived in the Fairview neighborhood more than forty years. Three of her eight children are lving Clark Smith of Waterloo, Mrs. Elsie Longley of Riverside, California, and LeRoy Smith, Benton County farmer.
Cedar Valley Times; February 18, 1975
Mrs. Emma B Smith
Timesnews-- Funeral Services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Thursday at White-Phillips Funeral Home for Mrs. Emma B Smith, 98, a former Brandon resident, who died Monday at the Golden Age Rest Home in Hazleton. The Rev. Eugene Cuddeback will officiate and burial will be in Spring Grove Cemetery at Covington.
She was born De. 26, 1876 in Linn County, a daughter of Mathias and Anna Hasek Weiss. She married Oct. 1, 1896 in Linn County to Ellis Smith, sho preceded her in death February 28, 1952. She was a resident at the rest home the past three years.
Surviving are three sons, Albert of Vinton, Ralph of Garrison, and Harold of Brandon; one daughter, Mrs. Edna Steinberg of Cedar Rapids; 18 grandchildren; 58 great-grandchildren; and six great-great-grandhicldren. She was preceded in death by three sons, one daughter, and three sisters. Friends may call at the funeral home.
{Submitter comment: Emma would be my great grandmother. She lived in the Benton County area most of her life.}
Vinton Daily times; unknown
Everett O. Smith
{Submitter comment: Am trying to find more of this man's ancestry}
The Cedar Rapids Evening Gazette, Cedar Rapids, IA; 12 March 1904
Harriet Smith
Harriet Smith, for many years a resident of this place, died in the poor house in Vinton, the first of the week. Her remains were brought to this place, where they were buried beside her mother. A few months ago she sold her property in this place and since that time she has had rather a hard lot. She went to Dakota and shipped her goods, but upon arriving there she could not find a place to stay, and they came back to Vinton without money and landed in the poor house. A collection was taken up in town to defray the expense of interment.
The Vinton Eagle; July 9, 1895
Death of Hiram Smith
Hiram Smith
Mr. Hiram Smith, who settled in Eden township in the early days of the county, but who for the last eleven years had been living with his son in Swan Lake, this state, died July 4th. The remains were brought to Eden township and buried in the Eden cemetery.
The deceased was born in Ellisburg, New York, June 16, 1823. He was married to Miss Betsy Wood, of the same place January 5, 1843. She died February 14, 1854. There were two children by this marriage, Eaton Smith of Oswego, Ill., and Mrs. E. O. Hilliard of Manly, this state.
He moved to Illinois in 1855, where he married, February 27, Mrs. Gertrude J. Miller, of Bristol. By this marriage two children were born, Dorleskey and Eddie. Mrs. Miller had one daughter, Mrs. Mary Boyden, of Vinton, Iowa.
He was taken with la grippe last winter from which he never recovered.
{Submitter comment: not related}
Norway Correspondence Norway;
Obituary of Jane Janette Smith
Jane Janette Smith
Editor's Republican: Although my wife's death has been looked for almost every day for two years, it came rather unexpectedly, from the fact she seemed to get no weaker and we rather looked forward to the day before Christmas for the time of her departure, that being the day on which she took sick two years ago; but she was relieved of the most dreadful suffering ten days sooner.
I left the shop (barbershop) Friday morning at 10 o'clock to see how she was. When I entered her room and saw her, I says, "Children, your Mother will soon be no more," although she lingered until ten minutes past 3p.m. Friday, December 14. I remained by her side until the last expiring breath. She motioned to all of us and when we had gathered around the bedside she kissed each of us, leaving her benediction on each one. She said, "Children, be good children and meet your Mother in Heaven " Then, looking up at her husband, said, "I am so happy." "I am going to Heaven where little Gcorgie is." "I have lots of friends over there and I am going to meet them." Then, she made an effort to exhort and shout, but she was too weak. In a few minutes, she began to fall asleep, just as easy and peaceful as a child when rocked in a cradle. Although she had dreadful fears of choking to death with the discharge of corruption, she died perfectly easy and not a struggle was noticed.
Dear friends and relatives of the deceased, although you came not to see her and thereby lighten her dreadful suffering, she had by an unshaken trust in her Lord, a friend who sticketh closer than a brother. And, when we just think for a moment what her suffering were, we must admit the fact that there is help whose powers is divine and can make a "Dying bed as soft as downy pillows are." Or, she never could have uttered the words, "Oh, I am so happy, etc. Those who disbelieve the power of religion and exhalted power should be present, as we was, and hear the dying words of this Christian mother, when racked with pain and scorched with fever, if it is not religion? My wife suffered so hard and long that there was not a particle of flesh, the skin being drawn perfectly tight over the bones. The distance and the storm forbade the sending of relatives on either side.
Jane Janette (Danskin) Smith, consort of Benjamin Franklin Smith, died of consumption. (Tuberculosis) December 14, 1883 in Norway, Benton Co. IA in the 40th year of her age. She was born in Orange County, New York on July 26, 1884 [should be 1844], making her 39 years, 4 months and 18 days. She was seven years old when she removed with her parents to Marengo, IA. Living in Benton Co. and Iowa Co. (Iowa) ever since with the exception of the year in Kansas. She has been a resident of Iowa over 33 years. Professed Her faith in God at eight years of age. Was twice married, her first husband proceeding her twenty years. One child, George, also proceeded her over four years.
She leaves two children by her first husband and five by her second to mourn their loss. But our loss is her gain and this, thank God, is what we have to console us in our sad afflition - so sad it is when a dear mother is taken from her little ones. It is hard, and now we are left alone with the little ones - one a mere baby yet - is when the father feels the loss the keenest. Receive thanks, please, for the noble and good you done by publishing our letter two weeks ago. Yours in truth. B.F. Smith
Miami Oklahoma Newspaper;
Gerald Duane Smith March 04, 1934-September 22, 2020
Gerald "Jerry" D Smith
Gerald Duane Smith of Commerce, Ok passed from this life Tuesday, September 22, 2020 at Freeman Hospital in Joplin, MO. He was 86.
Gerald was born March 4, 1934 in Iowa City, Iowa to Walter and Myrtle (Flemming) Smith. He had lived in Commerce for 5 years moving from Miami, Ok. He was a truck driver. Gerald served in the Us Navy during the Korean Conflict.
No services are planned at this time. Arrangements have been placed in the care of Paul Thomas Funeral Home and Cremation Service of Miami, Ok. Online condolences may be made at www.paulthomasfuneralhoomes.com.
{Submitter comment: Gerald Smith has been sent home be buried with his family at Bear Creek Cemetery. We are in the process of making the arrangements. We do not have date that his obituary was listed. His parents, and brother, Clarence Smith, preceded him in death.}
The Independent (Belle Plaine); March 28, 1883
Mary Smith
Mrs. Smith, an old resident of Blairstown, died suddenly Wednesday morning of last week, dropping dead from her chair.
{Submitter comment: not related}
Cedar Valley Times;
Mrs Walter S (Myrtle) Smith
Mrs. Walter S (Myrtle) Smith of Vinton, 53 died at 3:20 A.M. this morning at Independence following a lengthy illness.
She was born June 22, 1905 at Central City.
She is survived by her husband, two sons, Clarence and Gerald of Independence, her mother, Mrs. Jennie Ferguson of Vinton and her father, B. G. Fleming of Waterloo, seven brothers and sisters, Opal Reynolds of Mammoth, Ore., Annie Ersland of Mason City; Floyd Fleming of Cedar Rapids, and LeRoy Fleming of Enterprise, ore. and three grandchildren. One brother preceded her in death.
She was a member of the Christian Church and had lived in Vinton since 1923.
Funeral arrangements were pending at the Fry and Holland Funeral Home. Friends may, if they so desire, contribute to the Memorial fund at the Christian Church.
Second Obituary
Vinton Times, Cedar Valley Times 4-2-1959
Funeral services for Mrs. Walter S Smith of Vinton will be held Monday afternoon at 1:30 P.M. in the Christian Church here. Burial will be in Bear Creek Cemetery.
Friends may call at the Fry and Holland Funeral Home after 10:00 A.M. Sunday.
Mrs. Smith, 53, died Wednesday morning at Independence following a long illness.
{Submitter comment: My grandmother. Source of obituary was from the Bear Creek Cemetery, Harrison Township, Benton Co., IA CD that some ladies put together, locating most obituaries of the people buried in the cemetery. }
SHELLSBURG: Vivian E. Nabholz Smith
Vivian E. Nabholz Smith
SHELLSBURG: Vivian E. Nabholz Smith, age 69, died Thursday, October 26, 2006 at Living Center East in Cedar Rapids following an extended illness.
Service: 10:30 AM, Saturday, October 28 at Grace Trinity Church, Shellsburg with Rev. Glen High officiating. Burial: Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg. Phillips Funeral Home in Vinton is in charge of arrangements.
Vivian was born June 21, 1937 at Cedar Rapids to Jay and Florence (Straub) Nabholz of Marion. She is survived by her sister, Ann (James) Holt and several nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her parents and her sister, Vonita Marsh.
Waterloo Daily Courier; February 6, 1950
Walter Smith
Vinton - Walter Smith, 75, resident of Vinton and this community nearly all his life, Saturday evening at an Independence hospital where he had been a patient for several months; rites here Wednesday at 2 p.m. in the Miller funeral home; burial in Maplewood cemetery; born May 25, 1874, at Faribault, Minn., to Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, coming to Vinton at an early age; married Jennie Wakefield at Vinton, Apr. 8, 1914; followed the trade of a painter and paperhanger for years; leaves widow and two children;, Mrs. E. A. Moe [Helen], Waterloo and William Smith, Independence; two stepchildren, Mrs. Carroll Miller, Waterloo, and Mrs. Walter Woodruff, Glenwood; 14 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren; two brothers and a sister, Orville and Ernest Smith, and Mrs. William Dorman, all of Vinton.
{Submitter comment: newspaper extract - not related}
Indpendence Bulletin, Independence, IA, ;
Walter Samuel Smith
Walter Samuel Smith, 67, of Independence, a former Vinton resident, died suddenly Tuesday at the Floyd Beyers farm near Walker...
He was born June 16, 1898 at Covington, a son of E E and Emma Weis Smith, and married Myrtle Ione Fleming at Rowley on Oct. 23, 1924. She preceded him in death in 1959. He was a retired carpenter and farmer and moved to Independence from Vinton five years ago.
Surviving are two sons, Clarence E. of Independence and Gerald Duane of Salt Lake City, Utah, his mother, Mrs. Emma Smith of Brandon; two sisters, Mrs. Ben (Irene) Hazletine of Montana and Mrs. Edna Steinberg of Cedar Rapids, four brothers, Harold of Brandon, Albert of Vinton, Ralph of Indiana and Robert of Oakdale; 14 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his father and two brothers.
Funeral servies will be held at 1 P.M. at the First Christian Church in Vinton with Rev. Ben Sinderson officiating. Burial will be in Bear Creek Cemetery.
Date says died May 31, 1966.
{Submitter comment: This is my grandfather. Other sources were from the Bear Creek Cemetery, Harrison Township, Benton Co., Ia CD that some local ladies put together. They found most obituaries for every one buried in the cemetery.}
Vinton Review; July 13, 1899, Thursday
Mrs. William Smith
Mrs. Wm Smith, of Harrison Township, died Monday noon and the funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock, burial taking place at Bear Creek.
{Submitter comment: Unmarked grave at Bear Creek}
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