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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Belle Plaine Union; Jan. 26, 1922
Woman Burned To Death
Cora May Schroeder

Mrs. Henry Schroeder Died Few Hours After Being Burned. Husband Injuried While Rescueing Her.

The death of Mrs. Henry Schroeder of south 6th avenue, occurred Tuesday evening, following an accident which occurred at noon of that day. As she was removing some bread from a high oven, in doing so reached out with her apron across an open stove lid. The flames caught her apron and in a moment her clothing was afire. Her husband, who was there at the time rushed her out of doors and threw water over her, subduing the flames, but not before she had been terribly burned about the head and face, arms, hands and body. Mr. Schroeder's hands were also badly burned in his attempts to have his wife.

Cora May Sanderson was the daughter of Levi and Roett Sanderson and was born at Blairstown, Iowa, September 5th, 1879 and passed away at Belle Plaine, Iowa on January 24th, 1922 at the age of 43 years, 4 months and 19 days. She is survived by the husband, Henry Schroeder to whom she was married in February 11, 1911 and the family home was at Marengo until four years ago, when they moved to this city to make their home; three daughters, Mrs. Doris Shinner of this city; Mrs. Dorothy Share of Marengo and Mrs. Elizabeth Warfield of Belle Plaine, and one son, Ralph Bower, also of this city.

Besides her immediate family she is survived by aged mother, Mrs. Roett Sanderson of Atkins and three sisters: Mrs. Minnie Haines and Mrs. Amanda Heck of Blairstown, and Mrs. Mabel Carroll of Atkins.

Funeral services were held at the Bethany church of which she was a member at two o'clock Thursday afternoon and were in charge of Revs. J. B. Speaker and Robert Tipton. Burial was made in the Blairstown cemetery.

Those from out the city who were here to attend the funeral were Mrs. Roett Sanderson and Mr. and Mrs. Carroll, of Atkins; Mr. and and Mrs. Haines and Mrs. Heck of Blairstown; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wood of Marshalltown, Mr. and Mrs. John Schroeder Sr., Mr. and Mrs. John Shroeder Jr. and families and Ed Schroeder and family of Marengo and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schoreder of Victor.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 10-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

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