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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Van Horne Record; Jan. 26, 1917
John F. Rupp of Platte, S.D. Passes away last Thursday - Is Buried Here
John F. Rupp

John F. Rupp, an early settler of Benton county, passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Harry Nenaber, Thursday, January 18 at the age of 81 years.

John F. Rupp was born in Germany December 1, 1835. At the age of 14 he came to America with his parents and settled in Ohio. July 3, 1859 he was united in marriage to Martha A. Carter who passed to the great beyond March 22, 1889.

To the union were born seven children: Harry of Urbana, Mrs. Bertha Hauser, of Van Horne, Mrs. Mary Bardo, Mrs. Maude Nenaber and Mrs. Alice Catlin of Platte, S.D., Mrs. Linda Tinsley who died March, 1880 and Mrs. Lorena Nenaber who died December 23, 1916.

He came to Iowa in 1864 and lived here until 1905 when went back to Ohio to live. He remained there about 9 years and since that time has been living with his children.

When a boy he joined the German Reformed church. On coming to Iowa he and his wife identified themselves with the Methodist church, but when he returned to Ohio, he placed his membership with the German Reformed church in whose fold he died.

Beside the children, Mr. Rupp leaves two sisters, eighteen grandchildren and ten great grand children to mourn his death. The sisters are Mrs. Margaret Reisser, of Sanborn, Ia. and Mrs. Lena Grunewald, Pasadena, Cal.

Mr. Rupp was kind and loving father, a useful citizen of his adopted land, one of the sturdy pioneers whose inexhaustible patience and tireless toil have made Iowa what it is today. He was faithful and patient to the end and was ready to go when he was called. He lived a long and useful life and was always ready to help those about him, to extend a helping hand to those in need and he is mourned by all who knew him.

A short service was held at the Nenaber home conducted by Rev. Paul Gardner and the bodied was brought here for burial. Funeral services were held at the Evangelical church Sunday afternoon conducted by Rev. L. F. Smith. He was laid to rest beside his wife in the cemetery at Blairstown. Those from out of town who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nenaber, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Catlin, D. W. Bardo, Mrs. C. G. Kling, J. W. Carter and Henry Nenaber. The pall bearers, the same as for Mrs. Nenaber who was buried in December were nephews of the deceased.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 10-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

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Vinton Semi-Weekly Eagle; March 15, 1889

Martha Rupp

Died, on Saturday, March 2nd, 1889, at her home 1/2 mile east of Van Horne, Mrs. John Rupp. Mrs. Rupp has been many years a resident of this county and leaves many friends to mourn her death.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 11-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

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