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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
The Vinton Eagle; Jan. 19, 1897
Death of F. H. Mossman
Fred Hugh Mossman

The Chehalis, Wash., Nugget, of Jan. 1, contained an extended account of the death of F. H. Mossman, son of W. H. Mossman of that place and nephew of County Clerk B. F. Mossman, of Vinton. His death occurred Tuesday, December 29th, 1896, while his father was visiting in Pennsylvania. He was ill but a few days before death. He submitted to an operation but it proved unsuccessful.

The deceased was the oldest child of W. H. Mossman and was born in Vinton, Iowa, December 7, 1866. He went to Chehalis about 12 years ago and was in the U. S. postal service at the time of his death. He was married at Portland several months ago. Besides his wife he leaves a father and three sisters who live at Chehalis. The Nugget speaks very highly of the young man.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 29-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

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Waterloo Daily Courier; August 19, 1948

Mary Mossman

Vinton - Mrs. A. H. Mossman, 81, of Vinton, died Tuesday at 11:45 p.m. in the Vinton hospital after an illness of two and a half years; born May 14, 1867 in Whiteside county, Illinois, to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hyland; married to A. H. Mossman at Vinton on June 12, 1907, he died here Dec. 5, 1936; ...member of St. Mary's Catholic church in Vinton, the Catholic Action club, Garden club, St. Mary's guild and the Woman's Relief corps. The following survive: J. V. Hyland, M. J. Hyland and Florence Hyland of Okla.; Margaret Kunel of St. Paul, Minn.; Mrs. B. J. Hoff and Ray Hyland of Cedar Rapids, Ia.; all brother and sisters;...burial in St. Mary's cemetery;...rosary at the Fry-Holland funeral home...

{Submitter comment: Husband's name is Albert H. Mossman
Newspaper extract - not related}

Submitted on 24-Feb-2011 by
John Shuck,

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