Belle Plaine Union; Jan. 27, 1927
Geo. McKee Drops Dead
George McKee
Heart Trouble Cause of Death of Well Known Farmer.
George McKee, a well known farmner living about 5 miles south east of Belle Plaine was found dead in his barn about 7:30 Wednesday morning by Roscoe Balcom who lives at his place. Coroner C. L. Modlln and Dr. C. J. Snitkay of this city were called and pronounced it a case of heart trouble. Mr. McKee had been in the best of health and his sudden death comes as a shock to his many friends in thls vicinity.
According to the family, Mr. McKee arose early as was his usnal custom and went to the barn where he was busy with the chores when he suddenly fell over dead. A lighted lantern which he had with him at the time fortunately went out as he fell over other wise with the straw and hay laying around it would probably have set fire to the barn. When found he had probably been dead for about an hour, as there were marks about the heart where one of the horses had stepped on it.
A peculiar circumstance of Mr. Me Kee’s death is the fact that on November 16th, 1926, Arthur Bair, who had been working for Mr. McKee, was found dead on the same farm from heart trouble by the same man who found Mr. McKee, Wednesday.
Geo. McKee son of Mr. and Mrs. James McKee was born at Watkins, Benton county, Iowa, on March 27th, 1879 and had he lived until March of this year would have been 51 years of ago.
On June 11th, 1899 he was united in marriage to Miss Blanche Rucker of this city and they have always lived in the immediate vicinity of Bella Plaine where Mr. McKee was engaged in the pursuit of farming.
Aside from the bereaved wife he is survived by his aged parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McKee of this city and two brother, W. J. McKee of this city and Robert McKee living southeast of Belle Plaine. One brother proceeded him in death. He leaves also a number of other relatives and many friends.
The funeral will be held on Friday afternoon at two o’clock at the Bethany church in charge of Rev. L. H. Wood and burial will be made in Oak Hill cemetery. Mary Schuchert, Cliff Heller, Roy Zigler, Cliff Stucken, G. A. Stoner, Gus Schilds will act as pall bearers.
Those from out of the city who are expected for the funeral are an aunt, Mrs. Ben Wie of Cedar Rapids and Mr. and Mrs. Hartworth of Tama, cousins of Mr. McKee.
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