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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Vinton Semi-Weekly Eagle; March 15, 1889

Margaret Jane Kroehnke

Died, at her home in Van Horne, on the morning of March 1st, 1880, Mrs. J. P Kroehnke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs J. H. Titus. The funeral took place Sunday, March 3rd, short services being held at the house here at Van Horne. The remains were then taken to Vinton, where services were again held at the residence of her grandfather, Thomas Titus. The remains were Interred in the Evergreen cemetary at Vinton, by the side of her sister Ella’s remains. Numerous mourners and friends went from Van Horne to Vinton with the remains. Mrs. J, P. Kroehnke, formerly Maggie J. Titus had many warm friends at both Vinton and Van Horne, where she was respected and beloved by all that knew her. She died at the age of 23 years leaving a pair of twin boys but a few days old.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 11-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

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