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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
The Vinton Eagle; Dec. 12, 1904
Telsha Jacobs

Mrs. Andrew Jacobs died last Wednesday at her home just south of town after a few weeks illness. Her aged husband, two sons, John and Andrew, and one daughter, Mrs. Edward Race, also a granddaughter, Martha Race, who has always made her home with grandparents since her mother's death, survive her. One brother, Mr. Peter Jacobs, living here in town and a brother and sister in the west are left of her immediate family The deceased were born in Germany sixty-five years ago last Sunday, the day she was buried, and was married to her surviving husband in 1865. Since come coming to this country they have always made their home in Benton county and on the farm where she died. Funeral services were held by the Rev. Christianson, of Traer, at the home Sunday afternoon and interment made in the Keystone cemetery.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 12-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

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