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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Belle Plaine Every Other Daily Union; Jan. 25, 1900

Eliza Hixon


Mrs. Isaiah Hixon

We have received a copy of the Pomona Weekly Times, from which we clip the following obituary of a former, well known resident of this vicinity, whose death we mentioned recently.

Mrs. Isaiah Hixon died in Claremont Saturday, Jan. 6, of heart failure following pneumonia, and was burled at Pomona Jan. 7, Rev. Henry Nason Kinney officiating at the funeral services.

Mrs. Hixon was born in Ohio Aug. 15. 1827; her parents were Morris and Rachel Wilkins Bryson. Her maiden name was Eliza. Until her marriage, March 10, 1876, she made her home with relatives named Levering In Knox county, Ohio. For twenty-one years previous to removal to Callfornia her residence was in Luzerne, Iowa. She first visited Pomona twelve years ago to care for her niece, Margaret Hixon, who died at that time and is burled at Pomona.

A year ago last December, Mr. and Mrs. Hixon became residents of Claremont. They were to have united on confession of faith on Sunday, Jan. 7, both at the same age, 72, with the Congregational church of Claremont.

Mrs. Hixon had no children but was a good mother to five children of Mr. Hixon’s by a former wife, and to the three children of Mr. Hixon’s brother, who late became members of her family. Her only surviving stepson, Warren, arrived from Iowa the day before her death. She leaves one half sisters and one half brother, one of the sisters having started from Ohio for Claremont on the day ot her death.

Mrs. Hixon’s kind disposition made her many friends in Ohio and Iowa who join with Claremont and Pomona friends in sympathy with Mr. Hixon, who has been in somewhat poor health, and with her son.

{Submitter comment: Last name also spelled Hixson
not related}

Submitted on 31-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

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