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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Blairstown Press; Feb. 27, 1920

Jaculine Halstead

Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Halstead arrived here from their home in Casper, Wyoming, with the remains of their infant daughter, Jaculine. The little one was born on February 18, 1920 and passed away after a few hours illness on February 19. A private funeral was held on Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Halstead's aunts, the Misses Robertson in charge of Rev. O. M. Yaggy. The little one was laid to rest in the family lot in Pleasant Hill Cemetery.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 04-Feb-2022 by
John Shuck,

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Belle Plaine Union; August 17, 1916
Veteran Dies At Blairstown
James Halstead

James Halstead, old Belle Plaine railroader answers the final summons in his eighty first year.

Word has been received here of the death at Blairstown of Mr. James Halstead which occurred last Tuesday. For nearly thirty years Mr. Halstead was a resident of this city and had employment with the Northwestern Railway. He is well remembered among the older railroad men and also among the Civil War veterans. Mr. Halstead was a native of Virginia and served over four years in the Northern army during the Civil War.

The funeral services were held from the home Thursday at Blairstown and were in charge of the Rev. Chamberlain, of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

James Halstead was born at Newton, Virginia on November 8th, 1834 and passed away at his home in Blairstown on August 8th at the age of 81 years, and 8 months.

The deceased enlisted in Company C, 3rd Maryland P. H. B. of the Union army and served faithfully for four years and three months. Following the close of the war he came west to Iowa and at Belle Plaine on October 8th, 1867 was united in marriage to Miss Susan Hartz. Mr. and Mrs. Halstead made their home in this city twenty nine years, during which Mr. Halstead was employed by the Northwestern Railway. Later the family moved to Blairstown which has since been the family home. Besides the wife, the deceased is survived by two sons, Harry and McKinley Halstead.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 29-Oct-2021 by
John Shuck,

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Blairstown Press; August 1, 1919
Little Child Is Called Home
Lorrane Halstead

The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Halstead of Nelson, Ill., passed away at the home of her aunts, the Misses Alice and Minerva Robertson, on Saturday night.

Lorrane Halstead was born December 26. 1918, at Nelson, Ill., and died at Blairstown, Iowa, July 27, 1919, at the age of seven months and 1 day.

Death came as a blessed release in the frail little body. She will be missed by all who loved her, especially by the little mother who gave her such faithful care and love.

A short funeral service was held at the Robertson home Monday afternoon conducted by Rev. J. S Westfall of the Methodist church. The little body was laid to rest in the family lot in Pleasant Hall cemetery.

{Submitter comment: note related}

Submitted on 18-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

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