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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
The Belle Plaine Union and Herald; Oct. 16, 1919
A Good Man Laid To Rest
John Graf

Funeral of John Graf Held From Sunday. Entombment At Oak Hill.

Last Thursday afternoon in the home that held for him all that was most dear, surrounded by his loved ones, all that was mortal of J. E. Graf calmly and peacefully passed on.

John Edward Graf the youngest son of Samuel and Louisiana Graf, was born in the village of Somonauk Illinois, April 26, 1854. In early manhood he went to Beatrice, Nebraska, taking up his lifes occupation as a farmer. In October 1888 he was married to May Beal of Belle Plaine, Iowa to which union were born two daughters, Pearl and Theresa. In 1899 the family came to Belle Plaine locating on a farm south east ot the city, which has since been their home. Besides tho wife and two daughters, one sister and five brothers mourn the loss of a loved one.

John Graf was an unassuming man, one of whose chief virtues was quietness and a love of peace, but whose influence was the more pronounced because of these qualities. It can be said of him that all of his acquaintances were his friends. Although for a year he suffered greatly his patience and courage never faltered and his ambition and plans for the future were so keen and strong that those who are left cannot help but feel that they will be fulfilled for
"Ever near us though unseen
Tho near immortal spirits tread
For all tho boundless universe
Is life—there Is no dead”.

The funeral was held at the home which he loved so much, on Sunday afternoon and the body laid to rest in the mausoleum at Oak Hill.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 31-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

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