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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Sept. 28, 1995
Eva Clara Day Forbes

Eva Clara Day Forbes, 90, died Tuesday evening, Sept. 26, 1995 in Virginia Gay Annex, Vinton, after an extended illness. Services: 2 p.m. Saturday, Oak Grove Christian Church, Shellsburg by the Rev. Ken Zaebst. Burial: Oakwood Cemetery.
Phillips Funeral Home

Survivors include a daughter, Juanita Norman of Cedar Rapids; and two sons, Richard Day of Cedar Rapids and Michael Forbes of Anamosa.

{Submitter comment: picture with obit
Submitted on behalf of Sheryl Reynolds and Marilyn Kolsrud. Email: } per 1925 state census: parents were William Kerns and Cora Mullenix and first husband was Bertram Day}

Submitted on 21-Jun-2009 by
John Shuck,

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