Sept. 28, 1995
Eva Clara Day Forbes
Eva Clara Day Forbes, 90, died Tuesday evening, Sept. 26, 1995 in Virginia Gay Annex, Vinton, after an extended illness. Services: 2 p.m. Saturday, Oak Grove Christian Church, Shellsburg by the Rev. Ken Zaebst. Burial: Oakwood Cemetery.
Phillips Funeral Home
Survivors include a daughter, Juanita Norman of Cedar Rapids; and two sons, Richard Day of Cedar Rapids and Michael Forbes of Anamosa.
{Submitter comment: picture with obit
Submitted on behalf of Sheryl Reynolds and Marilyn Kolsrud. Email: deneren@aol.com } per 1925 state census: parents were William Kerns and Cora Mullenix and first husband was Bertram Day}
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