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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Blairstown Press; July 25, 1919
Wm. Bruch Is Called
William Bruch

Native of Northampton, PA., And Veteran of Civil War Is Summoned In 80th Year. Wm. Bruch was born in Northampton county, Pennsylvania, on November 23, 1839, growing to manhood in that place. He responded to the call of his country with four of his brothers during the Civil War. He enlisted in Co. I 153d Pennsylvania Volunteers and took part in several important engagements, being wounded at Gettysburg on account of which he received an honorable discharge on July 24, 1863.

He was married to Sophia Andrew July 29, 1865, to which union were born the following children: Naomi and Mary, both of whom are deceased; Mrs. Nettie Rieke of Van Horn, Charles S. Bruch, Morris F. Bruch and George W. Bruch, all of Blairstown, who with eleven grandchildren and a brother of the deceased, Adam Bruch, of Pennsylvania, still survive.

Mr. Bruch moved to Iowa in 1868, living in Louisa, Linn and Jones counties respectively until 1881, when he moved to Benton county. He lived on a farm neat Blairstown for 18 years when failing health compelled him to quit farming and come to town in 1899.

Mr and Mrs Bruch celebrated their Golden Wedding in 1915, and both greatly enjoyed that delightful occasion. Mr. Bruch treasured highly the Silver Loving cup which was the gift of the children on that occasion. Three years longer they were permitted to journey together, when Mr. Bruch was bereft of the faithful companion who had shared life’s joys and sorrows with him for over a half century. Since that time he made his home with his son Morris where every comfort possible was provided.

Mr. Bruch was converted in his youth and early joined the Evangelical church, being a charter member of the local congregation He has been an earnest Christian all of his life and during the past few months has looked forward to his departure to the better world with joy.

He died July 15, 1919. aged 79 years, 7 months and 22 days. While we mourn his loss we are comforted by the memory of his long life of service to his generation in the providence of God and rejoice in the assurance of his reward in Heaven.

The funeral service was held in the Evangelical church on Wednesday afternoon Rev. Oliver M. Yaggy, the pastor spoke on the subject, "Serving Our Own Generation” using as his text, Acts 13-36 "David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell asleep, and was laid to his fathers".

Father Bruch truly served his generation faithfully and his life’s work is ended. May we emulate his example.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 15-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

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