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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Vinton Review; Dec. 27, 1917
War Veteran Answers Taps
John Holland Boyden

J. H. Boyden Died Monday Morning After Several Years of Failing Health - Funeral This Morning.

J. H. Boyden, an early settler of Benton county, and a veteran of the Civil war, passed away at his home, 509 East Fifth Street, Monday evening. Mr. Boyden had been in failing health for several years, kidney and liver trouble being the immediate cause of his death.

The funeral will be held this morning at the home, at 10:30 o'clock, the service being conducted by Rev. D. McMasters, pastor of the Baptist church. Interment will be in Evergreen cemetery.

John Holland Boyden was born December 11, 1836 in Onondago county, New York, on the site of the present city of Syracuse. He was the only son of William and Sally Smith Boyden. When a young man he came to Benton county with his mother and settled on a farm in Eden township, and continued to operate the farm for a number of years. When he left the farm he came to Vinton and in partnership with C. E. Cram, went into the livery business. After disposing of his livery business he entered the furniture and undertaking business, which he conducted for several years. Since disposing of this business he has lived a retired life. He was the only son in a family of four children and was the last of the family to pass away.

In 1862 he enlisted in the service of his county in the civil war and served until the close of the conflict, being a member of Co. A, 28th Iowa Volunteers. Mr. Boyden was married February 7, 1860, to Miss Lucevia Leach. To this union one son, Frank E. Boyden, was born. In 1867, he was again married, the bride being Miss Mary Miller, and to this union two children were born, Mrs. Clarence Miller, of Ellinburg, Wash., and Willis, who lived at home with his father. The children all survive the father. Mr. Boyden was a member of P. M. Coder Post, G A. R„ Vinton Lodge No. 62, A. F. & A. M., Adoniram Chapter No. 15, R. A. M., and Cyprus Commandery, K. T. When in good health he always took an active part in all the organizations to which he belonged. He was always jovial and ready to lend a helping hand to the needy ones or those in distress. He will be greatly missed by his comrades and fellow members of the fraternities to which he belonged and his memory will be cherished for the good works he performed in life.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 11-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

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