Blairstown Press; Jan. 9, 1920
Came Here In Sixties
Mary G. Barney
Came Here In Sixties Miss Mary Barney Closely Identified With All Blairstown Activities Thruout Her Life Mary G. Barney was bom in Adams, New York, August 12th, 1860 and passed away at the home of her sister, Mrs. Flora Brian, December 27, 1919, in her sixtieth year.
Her passing came as a shock to her friends who feel that Earth can ill afford to spare such a sterling Christian character from the spiritual life and activities.
In the sixties a small group, of young married people anxious and able to make homes for themselves came to what was then thought of as the west and settled in the little village of Blairstown, 25 miles west of Cedar Rapids. Among the group were Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Barney, parents of Miss Mary Barney. It was the privilege of the writer to labor among these people as pastor for a time and he today can bear witness to the sturdy stock from which sprung the beautiful character that is now enshrined in the hearts of mourning friends.
She received her education in the public schools of Blairstown and in the Academy located there. She finished her education in a college in Kansas City, Missouri. She then entered upon the profession of teaching in which she was engaged for some years in Benton County and also for awhile in the State of Kansas.
But her great life work was that of Missionary Teacher to the Indians under the Home Mission Board of the Protestant Episcopal church. Thru friends she became interested in the work, and in 1890 began her service under Bishop Whipple. She spent five years at Birch Coulee, Minn., with the exception of a few, months at Tama, Iowa.
1 In 1895 she went to Greenwood, North Dakota, to engage in the same work, here she remained for 15 years, thus rounding out 20 years cf service often being obliged to resign and return home to care for the aged parents. These duties engaged her attention for two years. Her parents having passed away, she resolved to remain in the old home, but hers had been a busy life, and she felt the call to use the balance of her days and strength in service once more, she therefore went to Chicago and took a library course and for the past two years has been in charge of the Jefferson Public Library.
In her life we see exemplified the sturdy well rounded Christian character expressing itself in devoted services. She was not demonstrative, but the current of her life ran deeply and quietly and devotedly. She suffered much in her last hours, but was conscious to the last moment, and as she reached the last moment she clasped her hands, murmured, Amen! and passed from earth ready to receive the "well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou in to the joy of thy Lord.".
Those who have known her and loved her will enshrine her in their memory and emulate her example. She has gone from earth, but her influence abides among those who have known her.
In the passing of Mary Barney Blairstown loses one more link in the chain of time which links the present with the past of the old town. Miss Barney was one of the old residents to whom we pointed to with pride and although she had gone from our midst we still claimed her as our own. Among her other activities was her devotion to the Eastern Star a Chapter of this place in which she a held many offices, and was Past Matron and at one time was District Instructoress. She was well known throughout the state by members of the 0. E. S.
Her gentle manner endeared her to all whose good fortune it was to know her.
On Monday, December 29th, all that was earthly was brought here accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Flora Bryan, D. Bryan, Mr. Bell of Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. Ottsen of Cedar Rapids, niece and nephews of Miss Barney and her pastor, Rev. F. A. Smiley. A large concourse of sorrowing friends met the funeral cortege at the depot. After a short service they proceeded to Pleasant Hill Cemetery where she was laid by the side of her parents.
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