Belle Plaine Every Other Daily Union; Jan. 25, 1900
Brandon cemetery, Buchanon county
George Virginus Asher
From Mrs, Geo, V, Asher, a former resident of this city we here received a letter telling of her husband’s death at their home in Brandon,Iowa. She encloses the following short history of his life, which will be of interest to his many friends in this city.
George Virginus Asher was born April 5th, 1831, in Granville, Ohio and died, Jan. 10th, 1900, after a severe illness of four weeks from the effects of paralysis.
He was married Nov. 17th, 1863, to Sarah Ellen Kear of Van West, Ohio, and to them were born three children, Katie, Frank and Mable. They moved to Iowa in March, 1867. Sarah Ellen, his wife, died Feb. 9th, 1884. He was afterward married to Mrs. Cordelia McMannes of Belle Plaine, Iowa, Sept. 29th, 1884. She still survives to mourn his loss. He was converted and joined the Methodist church in the prime of life and died rejoicing in the Savior’s love and mercy. As long as strength and consciousness remained he was singing, "Just as I am without one plea,” and "I will arise and go to Jesus.” As his strength failed and he could no more sing the whole line, he would sing, "I will arise, I will, I will”. His death leaves an empty chair and a place is vacant in our home which never can be filled.
George V. Asher enlisted in Co. B, Seventeenth Ohio, in 1861, for three months, served from Sept. 3, 1861, to July 15, 1862, in Co. D, Twenty-second Ohio infantry as first lieutenant, afterward served in Co. B, 76th Ohio, in the three months service under Rosecrans in the West Virginia campaign. Then he served in the army of the Tennessee, participated in the battles of Ft. Donelson and Shiloh, and in the Vicksburg campaign.
The sermon was preached by Rev. Ross, assisted by the pastor, Rev. J. Ackerman, the pastor being sick, from the text found in Joshua, first chapter, eleventh verse. A very appropriate and able sermon was preached to the sorrowing relatives and friends of the deceased and the large congregation of friends and neighbors, soldiers of the G. A. R. and members of the W. R. O., who assembled to pay their last tribute of love and respect. Besides being a good soldier, he was a good neighbor, would discommode himself any time to accommodate his neighbors; everybody was welcome in his home and he was a very indulgent father.
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