Name Residency Income
Atkinson, Thos.......Florence........... $275
Atkinson, W. F....... " .......... 275
Blood, A. W..........Belle Plaine....... 70
Baker, Jos........... " ...... 559
Burrel, Thos. J..... " ...... 642
Biel, Werner........ " ...... 222
Butler, J. W.........Vinton ............ 358
Budd, J. L...........Shellsburg......... 120
Book, John...........Blairstown......... 644
Briggle, George......Union tp........... 14
Birth, Wm............St. Clair tp....... 257
Bowe, S. A...........Benton City........ 300
Berry, Harrison......Vinton............. 5,298
Conklin, C. H........ " ............. 442
Chamberlin, W. R..... " ............. 100
Crandall, J. M....... " ............. 45
Doan, L. W........... " ............. 995
Donor, David.........Florence........... 52
Evans, W. W..........Vinton............. 400
Ellis, C............. " ............. 200
Fawcett, Geo.........Fremont tp......... 350
Flatt, W. K..........Vinton............. 300
Gay, H. D............ " ............. 500
Guinn, H.............Iowa tp............ 634
Gay, P. L............Belle Plaine....... 402
Hanford, W. W........Vinton............. 200
Horridge, Geo........ " ............. 1,870
Henry, J. P..........Belle Plaine....... 600
Hoebel, Lewis........Blairstown......... 300
Hoebel, Phillip...... " ......... 370
Hanford, H. M........ " ......... 504
Humpras, Jos.........Florence........... 270
Johnson, Dickson.....Jackson Tp......... 152
Johnson, Alex........Florence........... 552
Keith, S. E..........Vinton............. 2,000
Keck, Uriah..........Blairstown......... 305
Kelsey, J. H.........Vinton............. 355
Lathrop, W. P........Vinton............. 1,200
Lewis, J. N..........Florence........... 445
Lamoree, S...........Le Roy tp.......... 650
Locke, J. B..........Vinton............. 35
McCaslin, J. W....... " ............. 554
Maholm, John.........Belle Plaine....... 98
Mickey, M............Union tp........... 189
McNee, Wm............St. Clair tp....... 85
McCartney, John......Vinton............. 919
McDaniel, J. A.......Vinton............. 754
Narber, Geo..........Canton tp.......... 159
Ortsheid, Andrew.....Belle Plaine....... 100
Palmer, T. S.........Vinton............. 1,357
Reed, L..............Vinton............. 300
Rose, Abram..........Vinton............. 108
Rosenburg, J. H......Blairstown......... 1,540
Robertson, John......Jackson tp......... 351
Scribner, C. E.......Jackson tp......... 93
Scott, W. A..........Belle Plaine....... 285
Stedman, E. Mat......Vinton............. 500
Stedman, E. D........Vinton............. 500
Shutts, J. H.........Vinton............. 578
Stewart, James.......Monroe tp.......... 359
Snyder, Chas.........Belle Plaine....... 207
Smith, I. D..........Eden tp............ 383
Shane, John..........Vinton............. 188
Seyforth, Ed.........Vinton............. 385
Shreeves, B. W.......Blairstown......... 2,508
Sherman, B. R........Vinton............. 127
Traer, J. C..........Vinton............. 4,600
Tangeman, A. J.......Blairstown......... 644
Troutman, Daniel.....Eldorado tp........ 157
Tucker, E. S.........Florence tp........ 505
Vannice, A. V........Vinton............. 200
Williams, W. F.......Vinton............. 6,208
Whipple, C...........Vinton............. 298
Watson, S. H.........Vinton............. 5,000
Wilson, J. E.........Blairstown......... 170
Young, W. H..........Blairstown......... 644
Article transcribed by John Shuck
April 2020
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