Plymouth County

Pvt. Clarence Leighton Fesler



Reportedly Seriously Wounded—Says He Has Stiff Hands

Pvt. Leighton Fesler, a member of the infantry, who was reported seriously wounded in Luxemburg on January 14, now informs his wife at Yankton, that he is in a hospital in England.

The letter was dated January 18, four days after he was wounded, and merely states that his hands were stiff and that it was hard to write.

Mrs. Fesler, the former Lenore VanGoor of this city, called Mrs. Ole VanGoor this morning and gave her the news. As that was all the information contained in the letter, the family believes that Pvt. Fesler suffered frozen hands, as he said he was feeling fine otherwise.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, February 12, 1945

Wounded Named for Iowa

Names of persons wounded in action in the two theaters of war have been released by the war department. In all these cases the next of kin have previously been notified and have been kept informed directly by the war department of any change in status.

Those wounded in the European area from Iowa are as follow:

Cherokee, Pvt. Dean E. Mummert, son of Mrs. Ruth I. Mummert; LeMars, Pvt. Clarence L. Fesler, husband of Mrs. Lenore M. Fesler; Eagle Grove, Pvt. William E. Bornholt, son of Mrs. Rosalie M. Bornholt; Lake View, Pfc. Donald D. Bohms, son of Mrs. Ella Bohms and Oto, S. Sgt. Charles W. Benton, son of Edward H. Benton.

One Iowan who was reported wounded in action in the Mediterranean theater of operation is Pfc. Walter W. Vaughn, son of William Vaughn, Anthon.

Source: The Sioux City Journal, March 10, 1945

***Further Research:

Clarence Leighton “Leighton” Fesler was born June 20, 1913 to Lawrence and Mamie Leah Bates Fesler. He died Aug. 17, 1985 and is buried in Sacred Heart Cemetery, Yankton, SD.
