Plymouth County

Lt. Marvin A. Parry





NEWS of the BOYS in the SERVICE

Lieut. Marvin A. Parry arrived at the home of his mother, Mrs. Walter Parry, in Union township last week on an emergency 30-day leave from his duties in the Army medical corps.  He tried to get home at the time of his father’s death a few months ago but it could not be arranged.  Lieut. Parry graduated from the school of pharmacy at the University of Iowa about two years ago and immediately entered military service, training at Mission, Texas, and other camps.  Since last summer he has been stationed on the Hawaiian Islands.  Lieut. Parry’s wife and son who are living in Clinton, Iowa, while he is in service, have joined him here.

Source: LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel, October 24, 1944

***Further Research:

Marvin A. Parry was born Nov. 23, 1919 to Walter and Tessie Belle Southwick Parry. He died Mar. 6, 2001 and is buried in Boiling Springs Cemetery, Decatur, IL. 
