Plymouth County


T/Sgt. Lauren R. Featherston




S/Sgt. L.R. Featherston, who is stationed at the Army and Navy hospital in Hot Springs, Ark., and Pvt. Gerald Featherston, aviation cadet stationed at Morningside college, Sioux City, spent the week-end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Greg Featherston in Union township.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, Thursday, July 15, 1943


LeMars, Iowa—Among LeMars service men who are spending furloughs with their relatives and friends here are Sergeant L. Featherston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Greg Featherston, Sergeant Walter Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Smith, Corporal Dick Crayne, Cadet Henry Koch, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Koch, Corporal Albert Olson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Olson of Seney, Seaman Dale Rienking, brother of Mr. Arthur Berkenpas, Corporal Bevo Reynolds, son of Mrs. C.A. Reynolds, Lieut. Albert Wiltgen, son of Mr. and Mrs. N.W. Wiltgen and Lieut. Bob Kempker, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Kempker.

Source: The Sioux City Journal, July 22, 1943

Staff Sergeant Lauren Featherston of Kingsley is spending a 10-day furlough in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Featherston. He is stationed at the Army-Navy hospital at Hot Springs, Ark.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, Thursday, July 29, 1943

S/Sgt. Lauren Featherston of the U.S. Army medical corps, now stationed at Camp Barkeley, Tex., returned to camp on Wednesday after spending his 15-day furlough in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Featherston of Kingsley.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, January 27, 1944


T/Sgt. Lauren Featherston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Featherston of Kingsley, informs his parents that he has arrived safely overseas, and is now on duty in India. He is in the medical corps and said he enjoyed his trip across the ocean and likes the Army life.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, January 11, 1945

Kingsley Sergeant Honored in China

T-Sgt. Lauren R. Featherston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Featherston of Kingsley, Ia., is shown receiving the bronze star medal from Col. Clinton C. Millett of Omaha at this Chinese base. Featherston is a pharmacist with the 172nd General Hospital.

Overseas since last December, Sgt. Featherston also wears a battle star for the Ledo road and the central Burma campaigns. A graduate of Union Consolidated high school, LeMars, Ia., in 1943, Sgt. Featherston received his B.S. degree in pharmacy from the University of Illinois college of pharmacy, Chicago, in 1940. He was employed as a pharmacist at Grant hospital, Chicago, before entering the Army. He belongs to the Kingsley Masonic Lodge. A brother, Gerald Featherston, is serving as an Army flight officer at Lake field, Phoenix, Ariz.

Sgt. Featherston is now in United States on the way to being discharged. He left Shanghai, China, on Saturday, arrived in Honolulu on Sunday and called his parents Monday noon and arrived in San Francisco Monday night and again called his parents.

Sgt. Featherston is on his way to separation from the Army, but did not state where he was going.

Source: LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel, January 4, 1946 (photograph included)

***Further Research:

Lauren Richard Featherston was born Jan. 11, 1917 to Gregg and Mabel Dempster Featherston. He died Feb. 1, 1992 and is buried in Parkview Cemetery, Peoria, IL.
