Carroll Daily Times Herald

Carroll, IA

15 Jun 1945




Publisher Whitehead Impressed By Job of Allied Bombers

By Frank Miles
(Daily Times Herald War Corespondent)

Air Power Press Camp in Germany (IDPA) -- Publisher Glenn Whitehead of Perry, who came overseas on invitation from the British minister of information didn't know I was here until he heard it from another correspondent enroute to his plane in Paris. I had no word of his coming. Of course, there was a happy reunion.

Whitehead has been in England, Scotland, and France before coming here.

"What impressed me most is how much more thorough a job Allied bombers did on Germany than nazi bombers did on England," Whitehead said. "Destruction in some places in England was terrible but here -- well, it's indescribable."

At an American army hospital in England he was happy to find a number of Iowans, including Maj. Eddie Anderson, former football coach of the State University of Iowa.

Whitehead was in parliament when Winston Churchill announced the end of the war and was there when Churchill paid tribute to Roosevelt. He also attended memorial services at St. Paul's church in London.

"I have seen and talked with many American soldiers and I have heard much comment about them since I have been over here and I am surely proud of them," Whitehead declared. "They have been great fighters and their conduct has been excellent. And there are none better than our Iowa boys."

The ship on which Whitehead had crossed the Atlantic was chased 800 miles off its course by a German submarine.

"We aboard were well aware of the situation," he related, "and we weren't at all happy about it. We had thought the war was virtually over but we decided that if it had been it had been renewed by the Jerries for our benefit."

Whitehead was making a close study of conditions here, with especial interest in the concentration and prison camps.

"Most Americans simply won't believe the reports of atrocities here unless they are presented with all possible power by those who had seen them," he said. "And in looking toward the future the crimes of the nazis must not be forgotten."

"Many German civilians say they didn't know what was occurring in the camps. If they didn't they are incapable of self-government. If they had they are as guilty as the actual criminals for not protesting, whatever the cost might have been. The Germans are smart and industrious. They had a strong nation of many material comforts for themselves, but they obviously tried to replace God with Adolf Hitler.

"I firmly believe that for many reasons, but if for no other than our own self-preservation, our government should have a part in supervising affairs on this continent. For the sake of humanity and our own safety we cannot allow any people to ever again do what the Germans have done under Hitler. We must be fair but we must be firm and we must be mighty enough so that when we speak our voice will be heeded and if we are attacked we can repel it swiftly."

Second Lieutenant John K. Christensen, Council Bluffs, an ordnance officer here, likes his job but how he would like to be home to see his daughter, Kay Allen, born since her came overseas.

Source: Carroll Daily Times Herald, June 15, 1945

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