

Story County
Surname Search


Search for a Surname
Story Co., IA


Enter the Surname You are Searching, Select the Type of Search, Then Press “Submit Surname.”
Obituary board and Gravestone Photo Project names are added periodically. For the latest added go to the relavent site.
Query, Biography and Documents boards are not indexed here.


Search for:
Exact Surname only
Surname and selected soundex equivalents (similar names)
Surnames that start with given letters (must specify at least 3 letters)
Surnames that end with given letters (must specify at least 3 letters)
Surnames using wildcard characters (see examples below)
     (at least 2 alphabetic characters required with wildcards)

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Using Wildcard Characters

You may use one of two wildcard characters: the underscore character “_”; or the percent sign= "%".
_ : Each underscore represents any single character.

% : Each percent sign represents from zero to any number of any characters.