Friends of IAGenWeb
Board of Directors Meeting

March 20, 2006
8:00 p.m. Central Time
Loren's Chat Room

The meeting was called to order by Chair, Greta Thompson. Those present were: Loren Toomsen, Sharyl Ferrall, Mark Christian and Isaiah Harrison and Don Kelly.

Finances: Motion by Isaiah seconded by Mark to have Loren pay the Appollo bill for the next six months. Motion carried.

Budgets and corporate sponsorship was also discussed.

Greta announced that the IRS had accepted our application for 501 (c) (3) status.

Meeting adjourned at about 9:15 p.m. Central Time

Transcription of meeting chat

Greta: Mark, will you be responsible for saving the discussion, i.e., the business discussion.
Mark Christian: Well, I'll try.
Greta: You all can look at that link if you want. It's Loren's financial report.
Greta: Thank you, Mark.
Loren: Mine is a link, Greta
Greta: Be sure to notice his file name. I think it's telling us something. Oh yes, good point, Loren!!
Greta: I have to admit I'm a bit tired tonight, so feel free to correct my fumbles and bumbles.
Mark Christian: I find it easiest to right-click on the link and open it in a new window.
Loren: Mark, if you click on it is should open in a new window
Greta: I'm expecting Isaiah and Don. Randy may join us if he gets home in time from his son's concert.
Mark Christian: Not for m e.
System Msg: IsaiahH has joined chat on Mon Mar 20, 2006 7:59 pm
Loren: Okay, I see. Go with what works for you
Mark Christian: Hi Richard.
Greta: Hello, Isaiah H.
Loren: Hey, Isaiah, I'll be having coffee with you in a few days
IsaiahH: Hello
IsaiahH: Right on, Loren
Greta: Sharyl, didn't you say Don was here a bit ago?
Loren: I see Sharyl has disappeared
Greta: Oops, Sharyl's gone.
System Msg: Sharyl joined chat on 20 Mar 2006 05:00 pm
Sharyl: I'm back
Loren: She'll be back
Loren: There she is
Greta: We'll wait till 8:05 and then start, okay?
Sharyl: Just got an email from Don, he will be here in a few min
Loren: Where's Don?
Loren: Good
Greta: You all can look at the financial report.
Greta: When we pay you back, Loren, are you and your wife going on a world cruise?
Loren: Ha! There's an idea
Loren: Smile
Greta: Well, I guess I wouldn't hold your breath yet.
Loren: I just want to make sure we launch this program solidly for a long and healthy future -- that's primary on my mind
Greta: Very Happy
Sharyl: Razz
Mark Christian: Twisted Evil
Loren: Hey, Mark -- that looks just like you! Wink
Sharyl: Mark is feeling spunky this afternoon
Greta: Heavens! Mark, what does that mean?
Mark Christian: Thanks, Loren.
Mark Christian: That one is named "twisted" which is a little me me, I guess.
Greta: Looks like a new rock group. Okay, it's 8:06. Let's call the meeting to order.
Greta: Loren, would you walk us through the key points of the financial report?
Loren: Okay
Greta: or say whatever it is you want to say about it?
Loren: It's really simple
Loren: We have $25.70 in Checking
Loren: 0 in savings
Loren: $253.17 in Pay Pal
Loren: That is our liquid cash
System Msg: donkelly has joined chat on Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:07 pm
Loren: I am underwriting the project
Greta: Hi Don.
Loren: and my main concern is to get it launched solidly
Loren: Not that I don't want to be paid back -- but my focus is getting this baby born
Greta: And we owe you $8000+
Mark Christian: Loren, is the "Loan" amount what you have underwritten?
Loren: I will be donating some of that in the future
Loren: Yes, Mark, $8,175.36
donkelly: 4 tries, but here. Loren and I have been through this before, but good that all can participate in solutions. Don
Mark Christian: Okay, we need to find a way to repay that.
Loren: There are two bills coming on us shortly
Loren: We need to renew the domain name
Loren: or -- let it go if we don't want to continue renewing it
Loren: I tied that name up years ago -- so we had control over it
Greta: What does it cost to renew it?
Loren: We might want to decide if we wish to continue it
Sharyl: do we need it? ie: if we don't someone else could buy it, right?
Loren: On the 24th of this month another $995 comes due to Apollo
Loren: Yes, Sharyl, but what they will do is hold it hostage against us.
Loren: I like that -- they spend their money and no one else uses it. Smile
Greta: What does it cost?
Sharyl: so we need to renew
System Msg: IsaiahH joined chat on Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:11 pm
IsaiahH: Renewal is pretty cheap nowadays
Loren: Mark, you and I have done this in the past, what doyou think?
Sharyl: GoDaddy will renew at less than $10/yr
Mark Christian: Even as low as $5/yr for longer terms.
Loren: I guess is it worth $10 a year to us?
Sharyl: right
donkelly: Least cost we shall in all likelyhood face. Like to get sponsors on line, sooner is better.
Mark Christian: I think it is worth protecting .net for now.
Loren: Mark it comes due on April 19th
Greta: Definitely it's worthwhile to tie up the closely related domain names
Mark Christian: We lost .com, though, and I'm not sure it has really hurt us.
Loren: Should you and I work on that on the side
Mark Christian: Okay with me.
Loren: Yeah, is being held hostage -- Heh heh
Greta: On the side?
Greta: What do you mean, on the side?
Loren: Greta, why don't Mark and I work that out on the side and tie it up
Loren: We need to do this before April 19
Greta: What do you mean by doing it on the side?
IsaiahH: With the increased number of domain extensions thatere are a lot more potential IAGenWebs out there
Loren: Mark will make the arrangements with Go Daddy
Loren: That is right, richard
Loren: What's everyone's pleasure -- do you want to renew?
Sharyl: yes
donkelly: Yes to reneu
Mark Christian: yes
Loren: Okay, Greta, Mark and I'll take care of that, okay?
Loren: We'll renew
IsaiahH: Yes to renew
Greta: Isaiah hasn't voted.
IsaiahH: Just looked at
Greta: Yes, he has. Smile
donkelly: Good. What is next?
Greta: Okay, Mark and Loren will renew .net by April 19th.
Mark Christian: Then there is the Apollo bill
Greta: Next is the issue of corporate sponsorship.
Loren: We have an Apollo six month renewal hitting us on March 24th
Loren: Oh, let
Greta: Oops, we're not done with the financial report.
Loren: Sorry, let's go wtih corporate sponsorshipp
Greta: That's the big bill, right?
Loren: Ha, you're in charge - sorry, which way, Greta! Smile
Loren: Yes, that comes due in three days
Greta: I suspect the two are closely tied, but to do things in order, we should wrap up the financial report.
Loren: This is a bill we pay twice a year
Greta: I think our only option currently is to ask you to underwrite us.
Loren: If we drain the treasury we're still about $500 short
Greta: One more time, but hopefully only one more time.
Sharyl: do we have a choice but to pay the bill (ie: Loren underwrite it)
Mark Christian: There are two issues here, where to get the monehy and authorization to pay.
IsaiahH: Exactly what are we buying
Mark Christian: Sorry, I type too fast.
Greta: We don't want to drain the treasury, unfortunately, because we need some money to proceed with corporate sponsorship.
Loren: You are right, Greta, we need to keep a minimum of $300 liquid -- and I wish it was closer to a $1,000
Greta: Loren, do you want to speak?
Loren: And that will come in the future
Greta: I'm not sure that I've made a donation this year, so I'll do that soon.
Mark Christian: It pays for a standalone server with backup.
Greta: There's your answer, Isaiah.
Mark Christian: As far as covering the money, I haven't donated for a while and will help out, too.
Loren: Richard, it is a dedicated server to the iagenweb -- about 18 Gigs
IsaiahH: Are there any ways we can reduce our usage and the bill?
Sharyl: same here
donkelly: Three years ago we discussed Amana for one.
Loren: We really are buying a lot more server than we need -- but to get a dedicated server, backup, the difference in cost isn't that much --
Mark Christian: Richard, we probably need to review that again since prices keep dropping. However, we really do need to renew on the next cycle because it is so close. Usage keeps increasing dramatically, especially with images.
Loren: The trouble is moving to a new server -- that costs us over $600 as I remember -- and rattled our nerves int he process
donkelly: Get pay pal going and I can start with $100
Loren: Don, Pay Pay is working
Greta: Mark's point about the timing is critical.
donkelly: Last time I tried 3 times and no luck. Glad it works now.
Greta: We need to renew Apollo now, and since we're basically satisfied with their service, I believe.
Greta: since we're basically satisfied, that's good (an edit).
Loren: Hummm -- it should have always been working -- we've gotten donations in regularly -- let me know if you have a problem with PayPal, Don
Greta: I've been using PayPal for three years without a glitch.
Loren: I think Apollo service beats Digital Zones Smile
Mark Christian: Oh, yeah.
Greta: Are there other questions about renewing our contract with Apollo for another six months?
Loren: I think we need to renew now -- and then we have six months to implement a Corporate Sponsor
IsaiahH: So we have good service and room to grow
donkelly: DZ was too much downtime. Made me crazy.
Loren: I feel we need to rendezvous here during the pursuit of a corporate sponsor so we are all in on it --
Mark Christian: Service has been good and yes, we can grow with it.
Loren: Yes, Richard, that's the reason for Apollo --
Loren: I have been playing with a budget over the years
Sharyl: I also think we should renew with Apollo. We really don't have time to come up with other options.... even if we could find something better.
System Msg: Sharyl is online again
Loren: I feel a corporate sponsor comes in at $5,000 a year
donkelly: Do you think Apollo might sponsor a little?
Loren: Humm? I would rather it be an Iowa based corporation -- Winnebago, Maytag, Lennox
IsaiahH: Do you need a motion to pay the bill?
Greta: Yes.
donkelly: Isn't Amana here?
Sharyl: Quaker Oats?
Mark Christian: I think we should have a motion to pay for the next year, then renew at next annual?
Greta: Let's wrap up the discussion of the bill before we move on, please.
Loren: There are a lot of Iowa Corporations
IsaiahH: I move we pay the appollo bill
Greta: Is that a motion, Mark?
Mark Christian: I second them motion
Greta: Isaiah moved, Mark seconded that we accept Loren's offer to pay the bill.
Greta: All in favor say aye.
IsaiahH: aye
Loren: aue
Loren: I mean aye
Sharyl: Aye
donkelly: aye
Mark Christian: Aye
Loren: Okay, I'll underwrite it on March 24
Greta: Okay, motion passes.
Loren: This buys us six months -- a good time to launch our corporate sponsor
Greta: Thank you kindly. Next we turn to the discussion of corporate sponsorship, and I know that Loren has given this some thought; so let's hear what he has to say.
donkelly: Do we need more discussion on sponsors at this time, or GOTO next?
Mark Christian: Loren, we'll try to get enough contributed to where you don't have to underwrite it.
Loren: Well, from day one way back in June of 2001 -- we've been looking to an Iowa Based corporation
Loren: I think of it as an apothecary scale
Mark Christian: The question is, who approaches whom for sponsorship. Might also want to discuss what we do for the sponsor.
Loren: The Iagenweb project is a tremedous labor of love of many people to keep genealoyg free on the net
donkelly: Sponsoring logos with permission?
Loren: I don't see a sponsor as an advertiser -- but one of us
Greta: In sympathy, you mean?
Loren: Their association with us should benefit both parties mutually -- IaGenWeb is someone really powerful and strong
Greta: Someone who cares about free genealogy?
Mark Christian: But don't we acknowledge the sponsor in some way?
donkelly: Part of our genealogy family.
Loren: Yes, the Genealogy Boards are already set up to do just that
Sharyl: A corporation with Iowa family values, a history, etc
Loren: Acknolege the corporate sponsor
Loren: Bingo -- Sharyl
Greta: Except we don't want to use the phrase "family values," which has very specific connotations these days.
Loren: I need to get myself back up to speed for a while in the IAGenweb -- because frankly, I'd like to darken some doorsteps and make the proposal myself.
Greta: But the idea is bingo. Smile
Sharyl: Very Happy
Greta: I was going to suggest that those who live in Iowa are in the best position to darken doorsteps, as it were.
Loren: I do think we need to have periodic meetings among us during this phase of bringing a corporate sponsor on board
Greta: And the rest of us can help in other ways.
Greta: Yes.
IsaiahH: Perhaps that should be brighten doorsteps!
System Msg: IsaiahH is online again
donkelly: Keep smiling
Greta: Yes, to periodic meetings.
Greta: Right on, Isaiah!
Loren: Do you know the demographics of Winnebagos are the same age group as those that do genealogy
Greta: Hmm, makes sense. I hadn't thought of it.
Sharyl: I'll believe that!
Loren: That is those that buy Winnebagos are the same age group as you find in Genelaogy societies -- well, you know what I mean. Smile
System Msg: IsaiahH logged out on Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:40 pm
Sharyl: Oh oh, I'm kicked out
System Msg: IsaiahH has joined chat on Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:41 pm
Greta: I think several of us got kicked out. Hit refresh, and you should be back.
Loren: I'm back
Sharyl: I'm back
Greta: Old fogies, you're saying. Smile
Loren: Yeah,
IsaiahH: Loren,m are you in a position to approach Winnebagto in teh nest three months?
Greta: You better have your wife proofread that, Isaiah. Smile
Loren: Yes, in fact, Richard, I was going to visit with you over coffee when I seeyou in person in a couple of weeks -- on this very subject
IsaiahH: Excellent!
Loren: I want to start approaching a number of companies --
Greta: Wait a minute, guys.v IsaiahH: My wife proofreads every aspect of my life!
System Msg: donkelly has joined chat on Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:43 pm
Greta: We need to work together, not have an informal network over coffee. Discuss it fine but then share it. -- Glad to hear it,
Isaiah. Smile
Loren: Greta, we're on the same page --
Greta: Or you can sponsor a trip for all of us to Phoenix. All in favor say aye.
System Msg: Greta has joined chat on Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:45 pm
Sharyl: I don't have a problem with Loren & Richard coming up with an approach.
System Msg: IsaiahH has joined chat on Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:46 pm
Loren: May I suggest we move to a different chat room -- I've got one that works a lot better than this one
System Msg: Loren has joined chat on Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:46 pm
System Msg: Greta has joined chat on Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:46 pm
System Msg: donkelly has joined chat on Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:46 pm
System Msg: IsaiahH logged out on Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:46 pm
System Msg: IsaiahH has joined chat on Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:46 pm
Loren: Would you mind moving to a different chat room --
Loren: This one is way too slow
Greta: Tell us where to go.
Greta: And, Mark, please save this for us.
Sharyl: I think I'm back
Loren: Ignore the call for a Password -- just enter your name and enter
Greta: You are. Mark?
Greta: Before we move, let's be sure we all know we're going.
Greta: Mark isn't here.
Mark Christian: Yes, I have it all.
System Msg: Mark Christian joined chat on Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:49 pm
[20:50] System: whispers: Welcome to Boardroom!
[20:50] System: whispers: Thank you for participating.
[20:51] Mark: Testing
[20:51] Loren: Anyway, where were we?
[20:51] Sharyl: the coffee meeting in Phoenix
[20:51] IsaiahH: Contacting Winnebago
[20:51] Sharyl: I'd love to be there.
[20:51] Greta: I beg your pardon?
[20:51] Loren: Okay, no surprises --wwe can meet here and work trhoguh this as a team
[20:51] Sharyl: I went to college in Phoenix Richard
[20:52] IsaiahH: Ah, but I live near Tucson!
[20:52] Sharyl: You look good in purple Greta
[20:52] IsaiahH: I hope Loren can find me!
[20:52] Sharyl: Close enough! LOL
[20:52] Loren: I don't have don's email address -- could someone email him this URL
[20:52] IsaiahH: Will do
[20:52] Loren: Thanks Richard
[20:52] Greta: I left the message on the other board in case he gets back there.
[20:53] Loren: Anyway, Greta, doing this corporate sponsor thing should be a group project --- I feel we need to meet at least once monthly -- and maybe mroe as we work through it
[20:53] Greta: Okay. I can deal with that.
[20:53] Loren: Really, it is all of us working together
[20:53] Greta: And I agree, we need to stay in touch, even if you're taking the lead.
[20:54] Loren: We'll come up with situations we haven't even thought of yet
[20:54] Greta: And Barbara, perhaps. She couldn't be here tonight, but I'm sure she can help--and she lives in Iowa.
[20:54] Loren: Well, wer'e all leading -- I just happen to live in Iowa
[20:54] Sharyl: Do you think we should approach multiple companies from the get-go, or choose one and see what happens?
[20:54] Loren: Sharyl, multiple -- don't hang your hat on the big one
[20:54] Loren: Ha
[20:55] Sharyl: If they all say ok, then what do we do?
[20:55] Loren: I'll bet we'll all be surprised when we we come up with our sponsor
[20:55] Loren: Ha -- go on a world cruise
[20:55] Greta: How about coming up with a draft plan of action, Loren. Could you do that and email it to the rest of us?
[20:55] Greta: A world cruise to discuss the details. :)
[20:55] Loren: Well, Greta, that is a start -- and that is why I am having coffee with Richard in Arizona
[20:55] Greta: As long as it feeds back into the group, I'm good with that.
[20:55] Sharyl: Greta -- would you explain why you felt 'family values' was a negative? I'm curious.
[20:56] Loren: I am going on vacation starting Wednesday -- so will be away for a two weeks -- but will see Richard
[20:56] Greta: "Family values" is a phrase used by the religious right in the 48.
[20:56] Greta: They campaign against public libraries, for example.
[20:56] Sharyl: Religious right?
[20:56] Greta: Yes, the very conservative Protestant churches and sects.
[20:57] IsaiahH: They must not have those in Alaska!
[20:57] Loren: I do see your point, Greta,
[20:57] Sharyl: Do you think that most people know that?
[20:57] Loren: Yes, I do, Sharyl
[20:57] IsaiahH: YES!!!
[20:57] Sharyl: Guess we don't Richard ....
[20:57] Greta: Whatever our personal beliefs, we don't want to associate ourselves as IAGenWeb with the religious right--or left, for that matter.
[20:57] Loren: It's such a sad thing, -- but that's relgion and politics
[20:57] Sharyl: Really sad.
[20:58] Loren: Anyway, that's why we will be meeting regularly durin g the process of settin gup the sponsor
[20:58] Loren: We've got a lot of issues that will come up in the next few months
[20:58] Sharyl: I guess we really do need to pick our approach very carefully.
[20:59] Greta: One of the things that I think we need to do early on is prepare a brochure or fact sheet or letter that gives us some language to use in approaching sponsors.
[20:59] Loren: Greta, how about setting up our next meeting right now -- while everynoe is here
[20:59] IsaiahH: We don't want to alienate any group
[20:59] Loren: Amen! Greata
[20:59] Loren: We need to have a presentation that is well thought out
[20:59] Greta: Right, Isaiah, thank you, Loren.
[20:59] Loren: Do any of you feel creative at this moment
[20:59] Sharyl: I still have all of the brochures that Laura made for the conference a couple years ago. They may be of use.
[21:00] Mark: If somebody wants to draft something I'm sure everybody would be happy to comment/edit.
[21:00] Greta: I would guess that among us we have a lot of skills that will prove useful in this.
[21:00] Loren: Sharyl, could you mail them or a sample to Richard -- and we'll have that at our coffee
[21:00] Sharyl: Yes I'll do that
[21:01] Loren: I like Marks idea of putting it online so we can all have at ti
[21:01] IsaiahH: Good and I'll scan and put on the web
[21:01] Loren: There you go
[21:01] Greta: Or sections that look relevant and useful, Isaiah.
[21:01] IsaiahH: Right
[21:01] Sharyl: They are in a Word doc I think ..... I can upload or send to Mark to upload
[21:01] Greta: I'm looking at the calendar. When are you going to be in Arizona, Loren?
[21:01] Loren: I guess we're getting the idea why sponsorship is a group project --
[21:01] Sharyl: I'll just send them all
[21:02] Loren: Richard and I tip a cup on March 31st
[21:02] Loren: Let
[21:02] Greta: Rule out days of the week that you can't meet, please, everyone.
[21:02] Loren: Let's build our approch together
[21:02] Greta: Evenings, I should say.
[21:02] Sharyl: Wed & Thurs are out for me
[21:03] Sharyl: I work swing shift
[21:03] Loren: I like this 8:00 pm thing -- but I can usually accommodate except Tuesdays --
[21:03] IsaiahH: Generally any night
[21:03] Loren: Monday and Fridays work for me
[21:03] Greta: How about Mondays? I don't think Barb is busy every Monday, just once a month.
[21:03] Sharyl: Any other day, at this time works for me.
[21:03] Loren: I like Monday
[21:03] Sharyl: Monday works here.
[21:04] Loren: We are going to be working close together for the next six months to launch this
[21:04] Greta: Let's try for Monday, April 10 or 24.
[21:04] Loren: I should be home by April 10th from my trip -- just home
[21:04] Greta: I really want to get Barb into this since she's going to be picking up the SC/pres ball soon. OK, make that April 17 or 24.
[21:05] IsaiahH: 17 or 24 good for me
[21:05] Loren: Either works for me
[21:05] Sharyl: Ok here
[21:05] Greta: Mark?
[21:05] Mark: Okay
[21:05] IsaiahH: Let's do 17
[21:05] Greta: I'll confirm one or the other as soon as I talk to Barb.
[21:05] IsaiahH: k
[21:05] Greta: If that's your preference, we'll try for it.
[21:06] Sharyl: The earlier date if at all possible (17th)
[21:06] Loren: BTW -- if you wish to save this transcipt of this meeting under your browser Edit key Select all -- and you've got the whole transcript of this meeting
[21:06] Sharyl: Can we meet in this room?
[21:06] Mark: I'm saving both sessions.
[21:06] Loren: Yes, you're welcome to this room anytime
[21:06] Greta: 17th with 24th as backup. What's worrying me is the 17th is the third Monday of the month, as is tonight--and that may be the evening Barb is tied up.
[21:07] Loren: I hear you -- either Monday works here
[21:07] Greta: We'll meet here then. Loren, will you send me the URL again for this room? I should have it, but just in case....
[21:07] User ocollaugh enters the room Lounge.
[21:07] Greta: One more thing tonight.
[21:07] Greta: Oh, welcome, Don!
[21:08] ocollaugh: Wow. Never did that before.
[21:08] Greta: One more thing tonight. We need to tell the membership that we've been approved as a 501c3.
[21:08] ocollaugh: That would be Greta I think
[21:08] Loren: Yes, I think it is time to let the cat out of the bag -- and if people wish to make tax deductiable contributions -- to just go ahead
[21:08] Loren: We're in business
[21:09] Sharyl: Yah hoooooo
[21:09] Greta: How do we want to do that? For example, do I send an email? Do I ask for -- exactly what I was wondering, Loren! I ask for money, huh?
[21:09] Greta: Sent to me at my home address or into my--oh. No. I suppose you want it. LOL
[21:09] Sharyl: Can't ask for money on the RW list
[21:09] Loren: I would make the announcement -- I think a lot of folsk will feel better
[21:09] Sharyl: can you phrase it so poeple get the jist?
[21:09] Loren: Good point,l Sharyul
[21:09] Sharyl: drop a hint
[21:10] Greta: Oh, well, we need to put something new on the Friends page.
[21:10] ocollaugh: It Greta could be a summary of this meeting, that we are tax free, and can now accept contributions through ebay
[21:10] Mark: You can certainly say that we recieved tax-exempt status and can now accept contributions that are tax-exempt.
[21:10] Loren: Folks, I feel we've had a very productive meeting tonight
[21:10] Loren: I feel very good about the direction we're going
[21:11] Greta: I'll run it by some of you before I send the message, which I'll do soon. Yup, very productive. We're on our way, I think. :)
[21:11] Sharyl: and do we need to be prepared for the nay-sayers who like to twist the truth?
1:11] ocollaugh: Looking good.
[21:11] Greta: Let's hope for the best, Sharyl. Maybe we can fine the nay-sayers. LOL
[21:11] Greta: And put the money into the pay back Loren fund.
[21:11] Loren: Loren, isn
[21:11] Loren: isn't worried. :)
[21:12] Loren: Let's get this baby born
[21:12] Sharyl: good, then I won't either
[21:12] Greta: Hey, what do I hit to save this?
[21:12] Sharyl: it's been a long labor hasn't it!!!
[21:12] Sharyl: Good JOB!
[21:12] Mark: Greta, I've got it all and will send to you.
[21:12] Greta: Oh thank you Mark!
[21:12] Loren: Greta, make sure you mouse click into the dialog area, then select save all under the Edit link on your browser -- right click and you've got it
[21:13] Loren: Is there anything else tongiht?
[21:13] Loren: BTW -- you area ll welcome to use this room for our next meeting --
[21:13] Greta: Not unless someone wants to comment on the Bylaws Committee report.
[21:13] Greta: We plan to be here, Loren.
[21:13] Greta: Comments on the Bylaws Committee report?
[21:13] Greta: If not,.....
[21:14] IsaiahH: Not at this time
[21:14] ocollaugh: They are still out there who critisized us last time.
[21:14] Greta: does someone want to move adjournment?
[21:14] Sharyl: sorry Greta .... I haven't had time to read them.
[21:14] IsaiahH: I move we adjourn
[21:14] Loren: Second
[21:14] Greta: Second?
[21:14] Sharyl: Second
[21:14] Greta: All in favor?
[21:14] Mark: Aye
[21:14] IsaiahH: Aye
[21:14] Sharyl: Aye
[21:14] ocollaugh: We all stuck together when it really counted.
[21:14] Loren: You're all a wonderful group -- it's good to be with you.
[21:14] IsaiahH: See you soon, Loren
[21:14] Loren: Let's us know the date of the next meeting, Gretaa
[21:14] ocollaugh: I like no blasted refresh.
[21:15] Greta: I will, Loren.
[21:15] Sharyl: Ditto Loren ...... Good night everyone.
[21:15] Loren: bye
[21:15] Greta: Bye bye.
[21:15] IsaiahH: Night
[21:15] Loren: Click the Leave button at left
[21:15] User Sharyl leaves the room Lounge.
[21:15] Mark: Bye
[21:15] User IsaiahH leaves the room Lounge.
[21:15] User Loren leaves the room Lounge.
[21:15] User Greta leaves the room Lounge.