Liberty Consolidated School

District No. 5

Newspaper Articles in chronological date order

LeMars Sentinel, May 18, 1920




Members of the School Board and a Number of Witnesses in Attendance at Case
of Miss Sibley Against Liberty Township School.

County Superintendent, Agnes M. Eyres, was holding court yesterday in the
supervisors room at the court house, acting as judge in a school case from
Liberty township.

Miss Beth L. Sibley, who has been principal of the Liberty Township
Consolidated School, brought action against the directors. Miss Sibley
states she was wrongfully discharged and asks damages for lost time.

Attorney Nelson Miller appeared for the plaintiff and Attorney C.D.
Roseberry for the school board.

The school board make the contention that Miss Sibley resigned.

The members of the school and about fifteen others were present as witnesses
at the hearing yesterday afternoon.

The members of the school board are James Ahern, Frank Tullis, John Lehmann,
Frank Wetrosky, David Woodley, with Will Labahn, secretary.

LeMars Sentinel, May 21, 1920



County Superintendent of Schools, Agnes M. Eyres, handed down a decision in
the case of Miss L. Beth Sibley against the Consolidated School of Liberty
Township. The hearing of the case was held at the court house on Monday and
Tuesday, and a large number of witnesses, members of the school board and
others from Liberty township were present. In the decision the county
superintendent says:

"After hearing all the testimony offered and introduced by both parties, and
having listened to the arguments of counsel, the undersigned county
superintendent, being fully advised in the matter, makes the following

(1) The county superintendent finds for the appellant, and finds that said
school board had no legal right to dismiss Miss Sibley at the time and in
the manner, and for the reasons set out in the transcript, and that such
attempted dismissal was illegal and null and void.

(2) It is the first duty of the board to co-operate with and assist the
teacher in the conduct of the school. In this case it appears from the
evidence given that the board failed to provide many of the necessities for
the proper conduct of the school, and for that reason the efficiency of the
school was impaired.

After careful consideration of all evidence the action of the board in
dismissing L. Beth Sibley is not sustained."

Agnes M. Eyres, County Superintendent, LeMars, Ia., May 19, 1920.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel, May 22, 1925

LIBERTY CENTER:  (Special Correspondence)
Final examinations were given at Liberty Consolidated school last week.

Liberty Consolidated school will close May 22.  Merrill will play a return baseball game here, which will be the main event of the day.

The Junior class decorated the hall at Potosia for commencement exercises.  The entire high school was excused from school Wednesday.

The High School students, Supt. Holtzen and family and Mr. Cutler, of Liberty, enjoyed a picnic at River Sioux last Thursday.  The afternoon was spent in roller skating and fishing.

Tuesday seemed to be picnic day at Liberty.  The grammar room with their teacher, Mrs. Yoerger, held a picnic in Yoerger’s grove.  The intermediate room had their picnic in Mansfield’s pasture.  Miss Christensen and the primary children had their picnic in Christensen’s grove.

LeMars Globe-Post, September 12, 1927

LIBERTY CENTER: (By Special Correspondent)

School opened Monday, August 29, at Liberty Consolidated school. The
teachers are as follows: First, second and third grades, Charlotte Boardman;
seventh and eighth grades, Miss Hough; high school, Walter Linder and Supt.
A. T. Holt__. Nearly 150 pupils were enrolled this year.

LeMars Globe-Post
April 27, 1953

“Behind The News”

The Senior class play, entitled “Behind The News” will be presented at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 29th at the Liberty Consolidated School.

Cast Follows:
Elmer Scott:  A newcomer to town – Virgil Newberg
Joe Hudson:  An old-timer returned – Joe Banks
Sam Barnett:  The political boss – Richard Solomon
Petunio Blossom:  A humorous news sniffer – Clifford Lehmann
Tom Dugan:  An officious Constable – Leonard Daniels
Jane Cooper:  Owner of the CHRONICLE – Phyllis Newman
Ruth Roberts:  A friend of Jane – Viola Bennett
Mrs. Small:  A busybody – Janice Yoerger

LeMars Globe-Post
Dated 24 Aug 1953


Construction work on the main entrance to Liberty Consolidated school will be completed this week and school will open August 31st.  The bus routes as approved by the Plymouth County Board of Education are practically the same as last year.  Lawrence Hecht, a senior in high school will drive the North number one route.  Ray Clarey will continue to drive the East number two route and Pete Trometer will continue with the South number three route.  The buses will leave the school in the neighborhood of eight o’clock each morning. 

The school lunch program will operate on the same basis as last year with a charge of 20c per dinner for pupils of the first seven grades and 22c per dinner for pupils of the upper six grades.  One additional teacher has been added to the faculty.  Mrs. Bernice Shinkle of Sioux City has been contracted by the Board of Education to teach sixth and seventh grade subjects.  The other members of the faculty remain the same.  Mrs. Clara Buckley will teach the kindergarten, first and second grades.  Miss Violet Fry will teach grades three, four, and five.  Mrs. Shinkle subjects in the sixth and seventh.  Mrs. Mary Hayes will teach high school English, seventh and eighth math and history.

Mrs. Esther Wilson will teach the typing, shorthand and bookkeeping and seventh and eighth grammar.  M. R. Horton will teach the science and social studies in high school and the physical education.

Monday, August 31st, no school lunch will be served as school will be dismissed about eleven thirty for the remainder of the day.



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