Elgin No. 1

Newspaper Articles in chronological date order


LeMars Sentinel, Friday, October 18, 1918

STRUBLE: (Special Correspondence)

A new teacher’s desk and chair also a new recitation bench has been
installed in the school room in sub district No. 1. Two miles west of

LeMars Sentinel, June 20, 1919

Seney: Miss Margaret Darville closed her school in district No. 1 last Friday and left on Saturday for her home at Gayville, S.D.

LeMars Sentinel, June 14, 1921

Miss Florence Manz’s school enjoyed a picnic along the Floyd on Tuesday.

LeMars Globe-Post, Dec. 7, 1931

SENEY: (By Special Correspondent)

School notes from Elgin No. 1: The pupils who received perfect papers in
spelling for the month of November were Earl Brittian and Ellis Lancaster.
Those who were neither absent nor tardy: Wayne Lancaster, Donald Lancaster,
Blanche Hawkins, Stanley Utech.

LeMars Sentinel
December 22, 1944

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

Mrs. Ella Zimmerman of LeMars visited Friday at the Albert Hawkins home and attended the school program given by Miss Blanche Hawkins on that evening [at the Elgin No. 1 school.]

Miss Blanche Hawkins presented her pupils in a fine Christmas program Friday evening. Following the program lunch was served by the mothers of the pupils.




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