Plat map Sections A-I
Plat map Sections J-L
Added in March, 2021
If you have any burials from Holman Cemetery and would like to submit them to this page, I will be happy to add them to this cemetery listing.
The transcriber apologizes for any errors. If you know of any omissions or errors please contact thecounty coordinator.
This material is copyrighted and may not be used for any commercial venture or be copied in whole
or part to another site; it may be freely linked, however.
Add gravestone photos at our Gravestone Photo Project.
Last Name | First Name | Birth | Death | Age | |
Braaksma | George | Mar 13, 1918 | Mar 14, 2012 | 94 | |
Feenstra | May | May 9, 1929 | Feb 8, 2012 | 82 | |
Pranger; | Theodore | Nov 4, 1921 | Feb 29, 2012 | 90 | |
Tillotson | Harry E. | Apr 9, 1921 | Apr 19, 2010 | 89 | |
Vogel | Tena | Jun 20, 1920 | Mar 11, 2012 | 91 | |
Waalkes | Gertrude | Mar 31, 1920 | May 1, 2012 | 92 |
This project was last updated on Tuesday, 08 May 2012
Presumed to be in Holman Cemetery as they lived and died in Sibley, yet may be buried elsewhere or have been cremated.
Women's birth names are shown in brackets. Sorry not to have more date info.
Contributed by John Koopman July 25, 2015
Anna [Harms] Koopman | 14 April 1852 | 25 Feb 1927 |
Ernest H. Koopman | 27 Aug 1882 | 1956 |
Blanche Idella [Walton] Koopman | 1897 | 23 May 1975 |
August Koopman* | 28 Sept 1879 | 1940 |
Gertrude [Fry] Koopman* | 1885 | 1935 |
Antone Koopman | 1890 | 1968 |
Lyda [Scott] Koopman | 1899 | 1975 |
Harold R. Koopman | 11 March 1912 | 1978 |
Marlys [Whaylen] Koopman | 1911 | 1969 |
June [Peterson] Koopman* | ? | 1998 |
Louis Koopman* | 1909 | 1977 |
Ethel [Jordt] Koopman* | ? | ? |
Lyle Koopman* | 1926 | 2000 |
Tena [Baker] Koopman* | ? | ? |
Emily Zenobia Walton | 1892 | 1977 |
Cedric W. Klippstein | 24 May 1920 | 2003 |
Osceola County Iowa Genealogy - The IAGenWeb Project