Elliott Centennial, 1879 - 1979

Elliott Centennial Committee

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Mar. 23, 1894 - Elliott Plow Co. had a good run of business recently. Several books purchased for the public school library from proceeds of lectures.

May 8, 1894 - A steam swing, owned by Lawrence and Prather has been doing some business in Elliott.

May 18, 1894 - Elliott Fire Dept. has been organized with 30 members, with H. S. Leonard, chief.

July 31, 1894 - Continued high temperatures and sever winds, the state of Iowa may harvest only one-half of a corn crop.

Aug. 10, 1894 - Many fairs in the area canceled because of drouth.

Aug. 10, 1894 - Elliott's newly acquired cemetery has been cleared and platted.

Jan. 4, 1895 - First fast mail made the trip from Chicago to Omaha in 14 1/4 hours, now it takes 11 1/2 hours to cover the 500 miles.

Mar. 29, 1895 - J. I. Brody has put a wagon on the road in charge of Mr. Kitesburg. It goes out with dry goods and groceries and comes back with butter and eggs.

May 3, 1895 -  The first monument in the new cemetery was erected last week. It is in memory of A. Ireland.

May 31, 1895 - Elliott receives the weather reports now, and a sum has been raised for purchase of a pole to display the signal flags.

April 24, 1896 - The school board decided to add another year to the course of study, making 11 years.

Aug. 7, 1896 - Another town pump has been put in, near the sidewalk between the butcher shop and the old Wood Hardware building. A well pit six feet deep was dug and water is to be furnished by a two inch sandpoint.

Nov. 6, 1896 - A great many people went to Red Oak last Sat. to hear Wm. Jennings Bryan.

Jan. 8, 1897 - The opening of Elliott's Opera House was a great success in patronage as well as entertainment. There was a series of three nights playing by a home talent company, trained and assisted by Mr. and Mrs. McGuire who travel from place to place getting up home talent plays. Net proceeds for three nights - $117.90, most of which went to defray expenses of the hall and to the Elliott Band.

Oct. 15, 1897 - A chemical fire extinguisher was tested here and was satisfactory, so the town council is considering purchasing same.

Oct. 29, 1897 - Fowler Apple Co. are barreling apples this week. They are getting some nice fruit.

April 29, 1898 - In one day there were 1220 doz. eggs taken in at Brody's store.

May 13, 1898 - The big shed of the Breen Bay Lumber Co. took 35,000 feet of lumber and 12 kegs of nails.

Jul 1, 1898 - Elliott band to play at Morton Mills July fourth.

Aug. 26, 1898 - Since putting in the new press the Graphic has changed to a five column quarto - four pages printed at home.

Nov. 11, 1898 - 166 people voted in presidential election.

June 9, 1899 - Average price for land in Sherman Township is $46.00 per acre according to the County Auditor.

Sept 1, 1899 - The Old Settlers Reunion on Wed. Aug. 30, the 20th Anniversary of Elliott, was attended by a large crowd. The principal speaker was the Hon. W. W. Merritt, of Red Oak. There was a basket dinner, with coffee and tea served free.

Feb. 3, 1900 - Telephone messages can now be made between Elliott and Milford day or night and Sundays, for a fee of $0.20.

April 27, 1900 - A new brick addition, 27 ft. x 46 ft, is to be added to the schoolhouse in the summer of 1900. Wm. Smith has contracted the job for $2180.00.

Jan. 4, 1901 - There are 222 pupils in the Elliott Schools, 60 of them in High School. 49 are from outside the district and pay tuition. There are now eight teachers. The salaries total $2200.

Aug. 23, 1901 - Elliott has a Coronet Band again. There are 14 pieces. E. U. Butcher is leader.

Sept. 23, 1901 - The Old Settlers Reunion was held Aug. 3, in Smith's grove, one mile east of town. Stores closed from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. so everyone in town could attend.

Nov. 1, 1901 - New corn - $0.45.

Nov. 1, 1901 - The rural free delivery mail route out of Elliott to the southeast will go into operation Jan. 1.

Dec. 13, 1901 - B. C. Ragan's elevator near the depot was destroyed by fire. Total loss, $5000.00, with insurance coverage of $3000.00.

Feb. 14, 1902 - Elliott now has a circulating library, one of the University extension series.

April 11, 1902 - The ordinance creating a fire department in Elliott was published. It filled 1 1/2 columns.


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