Front row, left to right:
Geo. E.
Milledge, bailiff of grand jury; A. G.
Illingworth, recorder; John W. Selders, county
home steward; Maude L. Selders, county home
matron; Everett Selders, asst. county home
steward; Elsie Selders, asst. county home matron,
Oscar Wenstrand, chr. soldiers and sailors relief
com.; Xenia B. Dowhower, director social welfare;
Harry P. Mayhew, county assessor; C. E. Longstreet,
clerk district court. |
Second row: Ray England, custodian; Zeph
Morgan, bailiff; P. A. Michel, county engineer;
Justus B. Cleaver, supervisor; Conrad Ossian,
supervisor; Willia McAlpin, supervisor; Juanita
Tobias, director of county assistance; Margaret
Devine, deputy auditor; Maxine Cleveland, adm.
asst. county superintendent of schools; Lulu B.
Reed, county superintendent of schools; Chet
McCune, sheriff. |
Third Row: Carolyn Ossian, clerk treasurer's
office; Lavone Tanner, steno. social welfare;
Marjorie Huntsman, clerk engineer's office;
Mildred Brown, clerk auditor's office; Phyllis
Stebbins, deputy clerk district court; Myrtle
Calhoun, p.a.w. social worker; Eva Meyer, clerk
grand jury; L. M. Srite, deputy sheriff; John I.
Lundgren, auditor; R. John Swanson, county
attorney; John F. Boeye, asst. county attorney;
Delaine Sellergren, coroner; David J. Sholeen,
treasure. |
Missing: Kathryn Falk, deputy treasure; Ethel
Richards, deputy recorder. |