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Monroe County

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1910 Iowa State Gazetteer and Business Directory



Abegglen, John Flawyer
Acme Telephone & Mnfg Co, IncG M Heiserman pres, L A McCreary sec
Adams Express CoWm Flanders agt
Aiken, Rev T RUnited Presbyterian
Albia Auto Sales Co(Grant M Heiserman, W Lloyd Cokenower), automobiles
Albia Business Men's Assn,T A Zook pres, J E Loet sec.
Albia Concert BandOrla G Le Hew director
Albia Creamery CoW A Elder pres, Samuel Jones sec and treas, mnfrs of butter and ice cream
Albia Electric Light & Power co 
Albia Interurban Ry CoL T Richmond pres, Calvin Manning sec, E C Manning treas
Albia Packing Co (Inc)C W Monroe pres, Samuel Cooper sec, whol meats
Albia Plumbing & Heating CoC S Barger, C H Hunter
Albia RepublicanRepublican Publishing co publrs
Albia Roller MillsJ Arch and L B Edwards
Albia State Bank(capital $50,000) Palmer Trimble pres, W B Lutz cashr
Albia Steam LaundryM G North, propr
Albia Telephone CoJ S Moon pres, E J Renz sec
Albia UnionA L Anderson publr
Alexander Georgefeed and farm impts
Alexander Supply Cofeed
Allen, Mrs Emmadressmaker
Anderson, Arthur Lpublr Albia Union
Anderson, Hon D Mjudge second judicial district
Anderson, Samuelshoes
Anderson, Samuel Lrestaurant
Anderson, Wm Amarble works
Armstrong & Simonds(E C Armstrong, Frank Simonds), drugs
Avery, Thomas Jphysician
Aumick, Hendersonpainter
Bain, Laura Eteacher
Barger & Seaman(Charles S Barger, Jesse Seaman) hardware
Bartram, Floteacher
Bartram, Robert Tphysician
Bates, David Wcounty attorney
Beitel, C Einsurance agent
Bernstein, Samuelfeed and junk
Braden, J Hlawyer
Brooks, George Lcarpenter
Brown, Henry Sbarber
Brown, Ralph Wphotographer
Buckles & Williams(James Buckles, John Williams) 2nd hand goods
Burdock Clothing Co(August Lindquist, John Duncan, J H Burdock)
Burgess, Addieosteopath
Byrlee HotelA J Byrlee propr
Campbell, Mrs Laura Mpropr Cottage Hotel
Carnegie-Evans Free Public LibraryMrs Henrietta Duncan librarian
Carpenter, Charles Rcontractor
Carrigan, James Wtailor
Citizens Lumber CoC A Craig, mngr
Clark, Benjamin Flive stock breeder
Clark Bros(John Clark and W Grant) farm implts and grain
Clark, Luluteacher
Clark-Morgenson-Downs CoH L and J C Morgenson mngrs, furn and undertakers
Clark & Gass(John R Clark, John M Gass) publrs Monroe County News
Clarke, Charles Hapiarist
Clarkson, John Tlawyer
Collins, James Igrocer
Combs, Albertelectrical suppliers
Combs, Garg Pplumber
Comet The(theatre) Carl C Struble mngr
Conn, Ruthteacher
Cooper, Mary Eteacher
Cottage HotelMrs. H Campbell, propr
Coyne Drill and Prospecting CoJohn P Reese pres, Ed Coyne sec
Coyne, Michaelfeed
Craig, Samuel Fdentist
Cramer, Harry J & Co(Harry J Cramer, Albert E Holingshead), dry goods
Crowell, V Bpainter
Daniels, John Jshoemaker
Darby, Laurateacher
Dawson & Dawson(Guy & Edward) blacksmiths
DeMuth, John Acounty auditor
Diamond Bottling WorksF M Weeber propr, mnfrs of temperance drinks, soda water, ginger ale, birch beer, pop, etc
Dickeson & WittenmyerJ E Buckels mngr, tea and coffee
Dixon, John Cdrayage
Donelan, W J & Co (Ottumwa)Wilbur Stein mngr, dry goods
Doody, John Lreal estate
Draper & Loughlin(J S Draper, M R Loughlin) drugs
Duckworth, A Evet surgeon
Duncan, Mark Wbooks and wall paper
Duncan & Duncan(Homer M and George E), hardware
Edwards, Mrs Adaphotographer
Edwards, Moses & Sons(Lafayette B and John A), flour mill
Elder, Earncity treasurer
Elder & Co(Samuel and Robert A Elder), feed and fuel
Eschbach, Henry Cphysician
Ewers, George N & Sons(George N, George H, Arthur and Walter), shoes
Fall, Ruthteacher
Fall, Wylie Slive stock
Falvey Bros(Michael C and James D), lumber
Farmers & Miners Savings BankNannie M Mabry pres, L T Richmond cashr
Fincher Bros(James A and Aaron), barbers
First National Bank(Capital $50,000 surplus and undivided profits $25,000), Nannie M Maybry pres, L T Richmond vice-pres and cashr, R T Alford asst cashr
Fisher, Evateacher
Flanders, Wmagt Adams Express Co
Fleming, Lesliebarber
French, Orlando Amngr W U Tel Co
Fuller, Lyman Bpianos and books
Galliers, Fredveterinary surgeon
Gantz, Henry Hdentist
Gantz, Sue Bphysician
Gardner, Wm Tpoultry breeder
Gardner, H Eteacher
Gendler, Rosagrocer and junk
Gillaspie, Mabelmusic teacher
Giltner, W Elawyer
Godfrey, George Wice and sand
Golden Eagle, TheOppenheimer, Beeson & Morse proprs, Amandas Bloomgren mngr, clothing
Goodwin, H Ragt C B & Q R R
Grant, Samuel Mproduce
Gray, Samuel Tphysician
Griffin, Wm Bhorse breeder and sheriff
Griffith, Charlesmusic teacher
Guinan, Rev Wm J(Catholic)
Gutch, Thomasphysician
Guthrie, Calvin Wcounty recorder
Guthrie & Holst(Calvin Guthrie, Gustav Holst), contractors
Haines, Charles Mteacher
Hammond, Thomas Cpianos and music
Hardenbrook, Wm Kharnessmaker and buggies
Harlow, Myrtacounty supt of schools
Harris Bros(Inc)G W Harris pres, H H Harris sec, grocers and meats
Hartsuch, George Wbilliards and skating rink
Hawkeye Lumber CoJohn W Fleming manager
Hawks, Laura(Christian Scientist)
Herron, John MEdwin M Lester mngr, bottles
Hertel, Edward Scrockery and notions
Hilton, Carl Areal estate
Hoover, Charles Gdentist
Huebner, Fred Cattorney-at-law, Commercial and Probate Law Matters and Collections
Hyatt, Charles Nphysician and coroner
Iowa Central Lunch RoomGust Swanson mngr
Iowa Telephone CoE C Armstrong manager
Jackson, Taylor Rphysician
Jenkins, G Aphysician
Jewell, Thomasbroom mnfr
Johnson, Mrs Alicedressmaker
Johnson Bros(John A and James B), jewelers and optometrists
Johnson, Dee Wdrugs
Jolley, Wm Wtailor and dry cleaner
Jones, Henriettahairdresser
Jones, Morris & Co(James W Jones, Edmund B Morris, Jeff Williams), clothing
Jones W A & Sons(Wm A, John and Albert Jones), planing mill, contractors and builders; plans and specifications furnished on application
Kendall, Nathan Elawyer
King's Opera HouseAlbert Payton mgr
Kissick, Maryteacher
Kreger, Wm Hbaker
Kuntz, Calvin Lwatch repairer
Laird, Eugene Nrestaurant
Lambert, Fred Sjeweler and musical goods
Lambert, Louis Eautomobile and bicycle supplies
Lambertson, James Pjustice of the peace
Larson, Fred Dshoemaker
Latimer Bros & HurstJames B Hurst mngr, dry goods
Lee Bros & Co(Chester, Nelson and M B Lee), hardware
Lewis & Phillips(Wm S Lewis, Anthony Phillips), grocers
Loeb, Maxclothing
Long, M A insurance
Longmeier, C Oosteopath
Love, Nellieteacher
Lundeen, Frankplumber
McClure, Lazear Lagt Wabash and Iowa Central Rys
McCollum, John Hplumber
McConville, Johnbarber
McCreery & Taylor(Louis A McCreery, Ralph B Taylor), livery and automobiles
McKillip, Elsieteacher
Mabry & Hickenlooper(Jefferson C Mabry, Thomas Hickenlooper), lawyers
Maddy, S Tchairman board of supervisors
Madison, John Jrbarber
Martin, Rev D Rowland(Methodist)
Mason, Allen Anursery
Mason, Ralph Tlawyer
Meinardi Cigar Co(Simon Meinardi, Miles A Clapp), cigar mnfrs
Mercer, Harry Hpainter
Mercer, John Pinsurance
Miller, Boydclerk of court
Miller, Charles Elawyer
Miller, Charles Eplumber
Miller, Ernestrestaurant
Miller, George Ddrugs
Miller, Robert Pphysician and hospital
Milligan, Guy Pcigar mnfr
Mitchell Carriage & Implement CoJames W Lewis mngr
Mitchell & Price(Judge J C Mitchell, John R Price), attorneys-at-law, depositions taken, notaries public
Monroe, Champ Wmeats
Monroe County Abstract and Loan Co(John R Price)
Monroe County NewsClark & Gass publishers
Moody, James Jpainter
Moon, J S & Co(Joseph S Moon, C V Smith, Harry Newell), general store
Moore, Harry Srestaurant
Morrison, Margaretteacher
Morrow, G A Clothing Co(George A Morrison), clothiers and shoes
Mowrer & Calwell(James Mowrer, Wm Caldwell), transfer and bus line
National Union Coal Mining CoArchie R Stone sales mngr
Nelson, Christen Htailor
New Monroe, TheJohn C Stevens propr, The Leading Hotel, Large Sample Rooms and Modern Appointments. (see page 171)
Newton, Lillianteacher
Noble, Elsie Cteacher
Noble and Bell(E Martin Noble, Wm E Bell), 2d hand goods
Norman, Jordan Rbarber
North, Mervin Glaundry
Nye, Aliceteacher
Olson, Charles2d hand goods
Oppenheimer, Beeson & Morse Co (Inc)Arthur Oppenheimer pres, Mrs. Reah Oppenheimer sec, clothing and shoes
Oswald, Alberttailor
Ott, Leroy Tdentist
Pabst, Alfred Cmayor
Pabst, Mark Scontractor
Pacific Express CoCharles E Rybolt agt
Palmer, O Ccounty treasurer
Patton, Wmdrayage
Paulline, Joseph Tdrugs
Paulos, Jamesconfectioner
Payne, J Wcounty surveyor
Peoples' National Bank(capital $75000) Lafe S Collins pres, B P Castner cashr
Perry & Perry(Thomas B and Theodore Perry) lawyers
Peterson, Nelsbaker
Phillips, Anthonygrocer
Phillips, W S & Son(Wm S and W Mott), feed barn
Pilkington, Walter Tlivery
Plymate, Joseph Krepair shop
Porter Bros(J T and Charles), cigar mnfs and newsdealers
Powell, Charles Bphysician
Price, John R(Mitchell & Price), lawyer
Rake, Harry Obarber
Ramsay Abstract and Loan Co, The(W C Ramsay, Ed S Ramsay) (Member Abstracters' Association of Iowa), Real Estate, Farm Lands. Abstracts of Land Titles, Investments, Securities and Leading Insurance Companies, Loans Negotiated. (see page 169)
Ramsay Realty coB P Castner pres. J A Canning sec, T R Cole jr treas, real estate
Rector, Jesseplasterer
Reel, George Wdrugs
Reitzel, Annieteacher
Republican Publishing Co(Wm D and Paul S Junkin, Horace Barnes) publrs Albia Republican
Rice, Rev Harrison G(Presbyterian)
Richardson, Evateacher
Richardson, Mrs Mollie Dmilliner
Ricker, Floradressmaker
Riva, Angelogrocer
Robb, George Lpostmaster
Robinson, Albertplasterer
Robinson, John Ocarpenter
Rohn, Gustbilliards
Rowe & Saunders(John T Rowe, Evander Saunders), blacksmiths
Rowles, Wm Ainsurance
Rybolt, Charles Egrocer and agt Pacific Express Co
Rybolt, George Wharnessmaker
Saunders & Warner(Wm P Saunders, Charles Warner) horseshoers
Sayles, E Randolphcarpenter
Scott, Albert Edentist
Scott, G T & Co(Gale T Scott, D C Anderson) grocers
Schreiner, Mrs A Cmilliner
Shaw & Mock(Vade Shaw, Curtis Mock), grocers
Shelton, Sylvesterpainter
Sheppard Bros(Wm H and John F) blacksmiths
Shields, Wmrestaurant
Singer Sewing Machine CoClay W Lingle, mngr
Skean, Elmer (Est)W P Brown, mngr, grocer
Sloan, Edward CAbstracts, Loans, Insurance, Real Estate, Bonds and Notary Public (see page 171)
Smallwood, Charles Wreal estate
Smiley, Albertbarber
Smiley, Elmer Mrepair shop
Smiley, Harry Sbarber
Smith, Robertmason
Smith, Samuel Kbarber
Snow Automobile Co(Herman and Herbert Snow), automobiles, automobile repairs, roomy garage and gasoline engines (see page 171)
Sparks & Co(Claude G Sparks, Alfred Timmons, Magnus Bloomgren, Joseph Stressburger), jewelers and optometrists
Spencer, Melvinpainter
Springer & Johnson(Charles Springer, Fred L Johnson), meats
Stevens, John Cpropr The New Monroe, Albia's leading hotel. (see page 171)
Strasburger & Verveer(Joseph Strasburger, Emanuel Verveer), dry goods
Sullivan, Annateacher
Taunton Bros(Wallace and Perry), real estate
Taunton, Wallaceinsurance
Thompson, Thomas Wlivery
Tobey, Ray Ldentist
Tobey & Beckett(James H Tobey, Andrew J Beckett), cigar mnfrs
Townsend, Fredlawyer
Turner, Edward Fgeneral store
Union Supply Co(Samuel D Thompson, Oscar Fedford), Coal, feed and farm implements
Van Winkle, Jamestailor
Varner, Joseph Ogrocer
Vreeland Bros(Wm E and George W), contractors and painters
Walker, Wm Fhog breeder
Ware & Kissick(Curtis C Ware, Frank P Kissick), grocers
Warner & Allen(George A Warner, John Allen), shoes
Washington, Mrs Lizziehairdresser
Watson, Alexandersheep breeder
Weeber, F MPropr Diamond Bottling Works
Welch, Marion Cteacher
Welch, Petermusic teacher
White, Frankmason
Whited, Elsie Mteacher
Whited, Wm Ehorse dealer
Wilkin Grain Co(George H and W A Wilkin), feed and grain
Willett, G Walterprin High School
Willey, Mildredteacher
Williams, Charlotteteacher
Williams, David Jrestaurant
Williams, Samuel Wrestaurant
Wittenmyer & Eckert(Ban Wittenmyer, Fred H Eckert), teas and coffee
Wood, W G & Co(W G Wood, Guy Milligan), cigar mnfrs
Woofter, Hermanmerchants watchman
Wright, Charlesmason
Yale, George Cpumps
Young, Lorenzo Sphotographer
Youngblood & Walker(Francis M Youngblood, Curtis N Walker), meats
Zook & Humeston(Thomas H Zook, Dwight S Humeston), furniture and undertakers