Biographical Sketch of
Joel Whitcomb
Joel Whitcomb came to Lincoln Township in 1868, and settled on the northeast quarter of section 6. He was born September 1822, in the town of Swanton, Chester Co., Penn. When quite young his parents removed to western New York, and settled in the part of the Holland purchase, know now as Chautauqua County, where they were accounted among the pioneers.
In 1883 her father was still living at the town of Westfield, that county, at the advanced age of eighty-six years. Joel, the subject of this sketch, was married to Patience Abbie, June 4, 1846. They lived in Chautauqua county five years and then moved to Cattaraugas county, where he bought a farm and remained until 1865, when he sold and moved to Winnebago Co., Ill., where he remained until 1868 and then came to Lincoln township, this county.
Their only son, Sylvanus F. was born in New York, in August 1851. He received a good education and commenced teaching winters and farming summers. He was married in 1875, to Nellie, daughter of Z. H. and Jane (Pierce) Upham. By this union there were three children – Charles, Warren and William. In 1883 the father and son, Joel and Sylvester F. were living together on the homestead, on the northeast quarter of section 6.
Transcribed by Gordon Felland, August 2003