Biographical Sketch of
Silas G. Tubbs
In 1863, Silas G. Tubbs was born in rural Mitchell County Iowa to early pioneers of Mitchell County, Caleb and Jane (Harris) Tubbs. Silas was the third and last child to join the family with brother Charles and sister Mary Jane having been born just a few years before him.
Silas spent his early childhood on a farm near the river, west of Osage. When he was yet a child, his parents divorced and it is unclear
what transpired during those formidable years, but Silas most likely remained in the care of his mother and stepfather Sidney Smith until he reached adulthood.
Silas, Josie and Martha, circa 1891
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(88 Kb))On June 2, 1886, at the age of 23, Silas was united in marriage to 18-year-old Martha Ellen Packard of Sherburn Minnesota. Martha was the daughter of A. Mitchell and Elizabeth Packard who were early pioneers of Martin County Minnesota.
That same year a daughter named Katie was born to Silas and Martha and the next year brought the arrival of a son, Howard A. Tubbs. By March 1889 another son, George, had blessed the family as well. This was no doubt a happy time for Silas and Martha, but unfortunately it was not to last. Two weeks after little George's birth he contracted German measles and died. A mere three months later, the Cholera Epidemic struck, and little Katie and Howard became ill as well. On July 4, 1889, 3-year-old Katie succumbed to the Cholera. Just four days later on July 8th 2-year-old Howard was gone too. What a very sad time this must have been for the Tubbs family. Silas and Martha had lost all of their children to disease and sickness within just a few months time.
Silas Tubbs, circa 1891
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(100 Kb))Happy news, or perhaps bittersweet news, came to the Tubbs home in October 1889 when Silas and Martha learned that they were again expecting a child. A healthy baby girl, Josie Elmeda Tubbs arrived June 7th 1890.
At about this same time, Silas's father, Caleb C. Tubbs arrived at Sherburn to spend his remaining years with his son and family. Soon though, Caleb became ill and his health rapidly declined. He died at the home of his son Silas November 22, 1890.
By July of the next year, Martha was again expecting, and on March 20, 1892 another daughter, Jessie Edna joined the family.
Shortly after the birth of Jessie, Silas and Martha relocated their little family back to Mitchell County Iowa to start anew. The next three years appear to have been uneventful for the Tubbs family, but in early July 1895, Martha became ill. Martha Ellen (Packard) Tubbs passed away July 5, 1895 at the age of 28, leaving Silas a widower and her two young daughters motherless. There is some question as to the cause of Martha's death. One account states that Martha died in childbirth, losing the infant daughter as well, while another account states that she had a liver ailment.
A few short months after the death of Martha, Silas traveled to northern Minnesota with R.C. Alsworth to begin work logging in the vast pineries of Itaska County. On Tuesday, February 17, 1896, while at the logging camp, Silas was helping stack a pile of logs when the man above him failed to get a secure hold on a log, causing the log to roll back on Silas. Silas was immediately taken the 60 miles to Grand Rapids Minnesota where he fought for his life for 2 days. On Thursday February 19, 1896, Silas Tubbs succumbed to his internal injuries and passed away. He was just 32 years old. Silas was returned to Mitchell County Iowa where he was laid to rest at Oak Grove Cemetery near Mitchell.
The tragic deaths of both Martha and Silas Tubbs left their 2 young daughters, Josie and Jessie orphaned. Their paternal uncle, Charles Tubbs, and his wife Ruth (Clark) Tubbs, took in the little girls where they were raised along with Charles' and Ruth's children near Osage Iowa.
The following are some other photos of Silas's family. Click on the photo to see a larger version.
Silas Tubbs
Circa 1885Martha E.
TubbsJessie and Josie
TubbsMary Jane Tubbs,
Silas's sister
Jessie, Ruthy,
Clate, Ray,
Earl & Josie
Circa 1898
Written by Kathy Pike
October 20, 2003
Webization by Kermit L. Kittleson