Arthur and Agnes Milhan were residents of Riceville for over forty years. They moved from the Faltersek farm south of Riceville into Riceville in 1942. They lived in the house west of the Texaco station which is presently used as the child care facility. In 1943, they moved to the Frank Seavy farm located 1/4 mile south and 1/2 mile east of Riceville where they lived for
four months. In 1944, Arthur and Agnes moved into a house owned by Charlie Linkenmeyer (now the Ronald Oulman residence). They lived in this house for thirty years. In 1974, they moved into a house east of the railroad track on First Street which was then owned by Charles Richardson. They lived in this house until 1982, when they moved to the White House Nursing Home in Osage.
Arthur and Agnes Milhan Arthur Albert Milhan was born November 20, 1896 on a farm in Afton township (section 29) located 4 1/2 miles south and one mile east of Riceville. His parents were August and Amelia (Arndt) Milhan, Sr. Arthur was the youngest of 13 children. His siblings were August - Mrs. John Brown; Caroline - Mrs. August Patri; Wilhelmine - Mrs. Robert Weipert, Sr.; Anna - Mrs. August Kliem and Amelia - Mrs. Mathew DeFord (twins); John; Joseph and Benjamin (twins); August, Jr.; Frederick; Leo; and Noretta - Mrs. William Bohart - all deceased. Arthur's parents were both born in Germany and immigrated to America in 1869 (mother) and 1870 (father).
Arthur grew up on his father's farm and attended school at Afton #4. He was baptized and confirmed at St. Peter's Lutheran church when it was located south of Riceville near the cemetery. In 1918 he was drafted into military service during World War I. He entered the service with the United States Army on September 4, 1918 and spent four months at Camp Dodge, Iowa. He served in the 88th Infantry Headquarters Company. He was honorably discharged on January 27, 1919. While in service, he almost died from the Spanish Influenza which caused many deaths.
Arthur and Agnes Milhan
Wedding PictureArthur returned to his parental home where he helped his mother and brothers, John, August and Leo farm the 240 acres. His father had died in 1916 when Arthur was 20 years old.
On October 6, 1920, Arthur was united in marriage to Agnes Bunston by the Justice of the Peace in Cresco, Iowa. Attendants at the wedding were Stephen Bunston, a brother of the bride, and Eliza DeFord, a niece of the groom.
Agnes Frances Bunston was born March 4, 1897 on a farm in Jacksonville township, Chickasaw county, Iowa located a few miles north of New Hampton. Her parents were George and Caroline (Spears) Bunston, both immigrants from England, coming to America in 1884 and 1893, respectively. Her siblings were Edwin; Margaret - Mrs. Walter Hickman; and Stephen. In 1903, Agnes moved to a farm located in Howard township (section 30) located two miles north of Elma with her parents and siblings. Between 1911 and 1916, she lived on the Frank Marr farm (section 9), Afton township. In 1916, her parents moved to the Cashman farm (section 20) in Afton township which was across the road from the Milhan farm. Agnes attended country schools - Howard #12 and Afton #4.
Arthur and Agnes began their married life together on the Milhan farm (section 29), Afton township. They lived on this 240 acre farm for 12 years. In 1932, they moved to the Frank Marr farm (section 9), Afton township where they lived until 1940 when they moved to the Faltersek farm (section 30), Jenkins township, Mitchell county. In 1942, they moved into a house west of the Texaco station. In 1944, they moved to the Seavy farm (section 32), Jamestown township where they lived for four months. In 1944, they moved into Riceville where they lived until June of 1982 when they moved to the White House Nursing Home in Osage.
Arthur farmed for twenty years and worked at the Oliver Corporation in the foundry from 1940 -1959. In 1959, he suffered a heart attack and was forced to retire.
Arthur and Agnes were the parents of five children, namely: Leona - Mrs. Carl Arndt; Harold (deceased); Esther - Mrs. Marvin Shoger; Ralph; Anna Mae - Mrs. Keith Marvin; and Mary Lou - Mrs. Gary Carnicle.
Arthur and Agnes were members of St. Peter's Lutheran church and active members of the Riceville Senior Citizens. Agnes was a member of the Lutheran Ladies Aid Society. Arthur was a member of the American Legion, Roy Gue Post #244.
Agnes passed away on May 11, 1984 of cancer and Arthur passed away on July 18, 1985, both at the Mitchell County Memorial Hospital in Osage. They are buried at Riverside cemetery north of Riceville.
- Written by Larry Shoger, January 2009
Webization by K. Kittleson - 1/26/2009
©2009 L. Shoger