George Anthony & Nellie (Clark) Carter Family
Biographical Sketch
George Anthony Carter was born on July 22, 1862 on his parent’s farm
(section 31, Cedar township, Mitchell county, Iowa) located 3 miles west
and 2 miles south of Osage. His parents were Anthony R. and Ann (Thompson)
Carter, Jr.
Nellie and George Carter (1912)
George grew up on the 80 acre farm. He attended rural country school
(Cedar #8 – Kildee School). He had an older half-sister, Josephine, and
George A. Carter
a younger sister, Sarah Jane. His sister married brother’s – William
Seymour Carter and Alfred Seymour Carter.
As a young man, George hauled cream for the Cedar Valley Creamery in
On September, 1, 1886, George A. Carter was united in marriage to Miss
Nellie Clark at her father’s farm located 2 miles west of Osage.
Nellie was born on September 1, 1864 at Ripon, Fondulac county, Wisconsin.
Her parents were Lewis Baldwin and Carrie Sarah (Orr) Clark. She was the
second of nine children, namely: Edwin Lewis (married Martha Dalrymple),
Alice May, George (died young), Infant son, Daisy Belle, Charles Vernoy
Carter family (1887)
(l to r) Nellie, Ray, George
(married Bertha “Bea” Weber), Ida Bird (married Charles B. Tibbitts), and
Ernest William (married Synneva Skreda). Nellie moved to Iowa with her
parents and siblings in 1868. They settled on a farm near Rockford – Ulster
township, Floyd county, Iowa. Her mother passed away in 1881 when Nellie
was 19 years old, leaving her father with a large family – the youngest,
Jesse George Carter
Ernest, being 16 months old. Nellie assumed the role of mother for the
younger children. In 1883, she moved with her father and siblings to a
240 acre farm in Cedar township, Mitchell county, Iowa. This farm was
located 2 miles west of Osage.
George and Nellie began their married life together on a rented 80 acre
farm on section 29, Cedar township. This farm was located 2 miles west
and 1 mile south of Osage. In 1896, George traded farms with his
father-in-law. His father-in-law, sold George’s farm and moved into a
house in Osage located at 904 Mechanic street (now owned by Gladys (Carter)
Hobkirk – a great granddaughter). George and Nellie sold their farm to
their son, Jesse G. Carter, in 1924 and moved into Osage where they bought
a house on West Main street.
Ray, Millie and Jesse Carter
George and Nellie were the parents of five children – Ernest Ray (married
Ina Jeffries), Jesse George (married Blanche Jeffries-Wallace), Lulu May
(died young), Millie Sarah (married Cecil A. Carter), Leslie Baldwin
(married Marie Gordon), and Charles Vernoy (married Thelma Price). Their
Leslie and Millie Carter
youngest son, Charles Vernoy Carter, was only 9 months older than their
first grandchild, Frederick G. Carter, son of their oldest son, Ernest
Ray Carter. It is also of note to mention that Ernest Ray Carter was known
primarily as Ray Carter and Charles Vernoy Carter was known as Vern Carter.
George passed away at his home on November 19, 1941, at the age of 79
years, from a year long illness. Funeral services were held at Champion
Funeral Home in Osage and he was buried at the Osage city cemetery.
Nellie passed away on October 10, 1948 at a hospital in Mason City, Iowa,
at the age of 84 years. She had suffered from a hip fracture prior to her
death. Funeral services were held at Champion Funeral Home in Osage and she
was buried next to her husband in the Osage city cemetery.
George and Nellie were members of the First Baptist church in Osage.
They enjoyed visits by their children and grandchildren. Several of their
grandchildren stayed in their home while they attended Osage High School.
Additional Photos
Millie and Ray Carter
Millie Sarah Carter
Lulu May Carter (died at nine months from water on the brain)
Leslie Baldwin Carter
Charles Vernoy Carter (at 2 months)
Freddie Carter and Vern Carter
Nephew and Uncle (1908)
Nellie and Vern Carter
Nellie and Millie Carter
George Carter holding Herbert Tibbitts (a nephew)
Millie (holding Vern), Ray, Jesse, Ina, and Nellie
Jesse Carter
Millie Sarah Carter
Cedar Valley Seminary (1917)
Leslie Baldwin Carter at Cedar Valley Seminary
Pvt Leslie Carter (U.S. Army) (1916-1917)
Mexican Border War
Vern Carter, Millie Carter, Ray Carter (July 1961)
Vern Carter OCHS (1925)
George A. and Nellie Carter family taken on their 50th wedding anniversary at their home on Main Street in Osage, Iowa in 1936
Back Row (l to r): Cliff Shoger holding Marvin Shoger, Lulu (Carter) Shoger holding Ardis Shoger, Blanche (Jeffries-Wallace) Carter, Ina (Jeffries) Carter, Gladys Carter, Fred Carter, Lorna (Butler) Carter, Jean Carter, Cecil Carter, Thelma (Price) Carter
Middle Row (l to r) seated: Marie (Gordon) Carter, Leslie Carter, Jesse Carter, Ray Carter, Nellie (Clark) Carter, George A. Carter, Millie (Carter) Carter, Vern Carter, Lois Carter
Front Row (l to r) Earl Carter, Ernest Carter, Lennie Carter, Leslie Carter, Ruby Carter
Copyright 2008 Larry Shoger
Webization by K. Kittleson 12/30/2008