Anton Olsen Fossey, and early Mitchell County resident, was born in Norway on January 28, 1851. He was baptized in Brandval, in the county of Hedmark, on March 30, 1851--in the region known as SolØr.
He came to America in 1866, and was naturalized a United States citizen while in Mitchell County, on March 9, 1875. Anton became a member of the Lutheran Church in either St. Ansgar or Mona, on November 29, 1868, at age 17. The church records at First Lutheran indicate that he was "formerly a member at Brandevold [Norway]."
The 1880 census lists Anton Fossey as a boarder at Lars Glimsdal's, in Otranto Village.
On December 7, 1882, Anton married Olivia I. Stenerud Christiansen at the First Lutheran Church in St. Ansgar, Iowa. They were married by the Reverend John Olson. Olivia was born in Brandvold, Norway, on January 6, 1858. She died on January 5, 1929 at Lyle, Mower County, Minnesota, not far from Otranto. She was buried at Pleasant Hill Cemetery on January 8, 1929. "Olive" had immigrated to the United States in 1881. (To see a larger version of the photo below, click here.)
The 1885 Iowa census listed him as Anton O. Fosse. At that time he was farming in Otranto Township, and living with his parents, Ole Erickson Fossei, and Olea Bottelsrud Hansdatter who had also come over from Norway, as well as with his wife and first child. You may notice that there is some variation in the spelling of the name Fossey. Anton's father showed up with it in the Norwegian way, "Fosei" or "Fossei," the name can also be found as Fosse, Fossy, Fossie, Fossey, Fossay or Fausett.
Anton and Olivia had nine children, including: Clara Otildia Fossay, Otto Oliver Fossey, Hannah Louisa Fossay, Charles P. Fossey, Edward Lewis Fossey, Alfred Oswald Fossay, Mense Palmer Fossay, Eva Georgette Fossay, and George Ernest Fossay.
Anton died of stomach cancer on December 18, 1910, in Mitchell County, Iowa. He was buried at Pleasant Hill Cemetery outside of Mona, Iowa, on December 22, 1910. His tombstone has his name spelled "Fossay."
Clara M. Otildia Fossay was born on August 26, 1883, in Otranto township, and died at Long Beach, California on September 23, 1965. She was buried at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. She married Henry G. Thompson in 1905. According to her obituary, she was baptized and confirmed in the Mona Lutheran church by Rev. Eggen and received her education in Pleasant Prairie rural school in Otranto township. She and Henry farmed near Toeterville for about 10 years, then moved to Milach, Minnesota in 1915 where they resided until the death of her husband in 1936. They had two sons: Morris and Anton. Morris became a preacher, and Anton a doctor.
Otto Oliver Fossey was born on February 17, 1885 in Otranto township. He died on April 21, 1969 at St. Ansgar, Iowa. He was buried at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Otto married Anna Marie Hansen on Janaury 5, 1910, but she died in 1923; and Otto later married Esther Haugen. Otto and Anna had six children: Alice, Irene, Olive, Oliver, Kenneth and Edith.
Hannah Louisa Fossay was born on March 19, 1887 in Otranto township. She married Gilbert A. Martin on September 24, 1913 in Mitchell County. Hannah died in March of 1987. They had three children: Olive, Glenn and Dorothy. At the time of her passing she lived in Austin, Minnesota.
Charles P. Fossey was born January 30, 1889 in Mitchell County, east of Otranto. He married Edna Johnson on June 13, 1919. They had three children: Dean, Darol and Robert. Charles died on April 26, 1966, following a year and one half illness, in St. Mark's Retirement Home in Austin, Minnesota; and was buried at the Oakwood Cemetery in Austin. His funeral was held in Our Savior's Lutheran Church in Austin. Charley was a businessman in Lyle, Minnesota. The couple lived in Lyle where Charley operated a department store with his brother-in-law, later was Lyle Postmaster and also operated a Gamble store in Lyle. Later they moved to St. Paul where Charley served a term in the Legislature as clerk under Senator Nolan. They moved back to Austin where Charley was the founder of the Fossey Implement Co. which he operated until his health failed. He had attended the rural Pleasant Prairie school in Otranto township and also the Cedar Valley Seminary, Osage. He served in World War I in France, and later worked in a store in Rhame, N. D.
Edward Lewis Fossey was born April 22, 1891 in Mitchell County. He was baptized and confirmed at Mona Lutheran Church. He married Ella Borgine Haugen on October 28, 1917, at Mona. They had five children: Harold, Donald, Elizabeth, Elda and Rosella. Eddie died on April 4, 1976 at Good Samaritan Center in St. Ansgar. The funeral at Our Saviours Lutheran church at Lyle, and he was buried at Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Mona.
Alfred Oswald Fossay, was born August 24, 1893, in Otranto Township, Mitchell County, Iowa. He was baptized and confirmed at Mona. Alf married Amanda Nelson on June 4, 1924, at Adams, Minnesota. They had three children: Darwin, Wayne and Merlin. Alfred was a farmer. He died on November 27, 1963 at Osage, Iowa, and was buried at First Lutheran Church cemetery in St. Ansgar. He had served in World War I, entering service in September 1917.
Mense Palmer Fossay was born February 18, 1896, in Iowa. Mense married Amy Rustad on October 30, 1926, in Lyle, Minnesota. They had four children: Allen, Margaret, Norma and Leo. Amy was born in Mitchell County on November 11, 1904. Mense was the sexton of the Pleasant Hill Cemetery in Mona, where he was buried. He died May 1, 1987 at St. Ansgar, Iowa, at the Good Samaritan Center. He lived to be 91. His occupation was a farmer.
Eva Georgette Fossay was born August 4, 1898 in Otranto Township, Mitchell County, Iowa. In 1920 she worked as a sales lady in a general store. She married Melvin Martin. Eva died in 1946.
George Ernest Fossay was born February 2, 1901 in Otranto Township. He died on June 23, 1989.
© 2004, K. L. Kittleson