Also mentions Palmer Olson and Carl Erdman
Waterloo Courier - 1959
Spinning Wheel is Part
of St. Ansgar History
ST. ANSGAR - An old spinning wheel, which is a well-known fixture at the Palmer Olson home here, was brought to this country in 1948.
The family first settled in Muskegon, Wisconsin and then migrated to St. Ansgar in 1853. And the Spinning wheel was brought along with them.
It has not been used for 60 years, but is in excellent condition, the Olsons say.
Spinning has been a part of the life of more than one St. Ansgar resident. Otto Erdman first learned to spin wool years ago from his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Erdman, who migrated here from Germany. He says that uncarded wool, right from the shorn lamb, is best for spinning. Now, spinning is attracting interest again as a "do-it-yourself" hobby. And, Erdman is just the man to show 'em how it's done.
[ Waterloo Daily Courier, Sunday, December 13, 1959 ]
Webization by Kermit Kittleson, 1/29/2010