Township of Osage
James K. Crocker came to Mitchell county in 1857. He was born in Wyoming Co., N. Y., March 12, 1829. He is the son of Timothy and Elizabeth (Kimball) Crocker. His father is a native of Vermont and his mother of New Hampshire. When his parents were young they went to Wyoming Co., N. Y., where they were married, and two children were born – James K. and Eliza.
James K. in early life was thrown upon his own resources. In 1856 he came west, and the following year came to Mitchell county. In 1864 he purchased his present place near Osage. In 1875 he was married to Sarah Osborne, a daughter of Rueben and Clarisa Osborne, who were among the early settlers of the county. By this union they have two children – Frank K. and Mary E. Mr. Crocker has a fine place of fifty acres adjoining Osage, valued at fifty dollars per acre. He came here poor, but by hard work has secured a comfortable home.