Rev. Donald G. Comnick
Rev. Donald G. Comnick was born in August 1919 at Westbrook, Minnesota; and, even as a child he knew he wanted to be a minister.
He graduated Magna Cum Laude in June 1941, from Wartburg College, Waverly, Iowa; and then from Wartburg Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa, in May 1944, following his internship at the Deaconess Hospital in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was ordained on June 4, 1944 at Westbrook, Minnesota.
Millie, Mary Beth & Don Comnick - Christmas 1969 During thirty-five years in the ministry, Rev. Comnick served parishes in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Westchester, Illinois, Rock Falls, Illinois, Evansville, Indiana, and St. Ansgar, Iowa--coming to First Lutheran Church in 1963. He then served there until the fall of 1972.
In 1964 he was instrumental in bringing the Good Samaritan Center to St. Ansgar. Comnick was in charge of the groundbreaking ceremony on September 11, 1964.
In 1972 he accepted a call to Milroy, Minnesota--where he then served until his death on March 3, 2000. He was buried in Westbrook City Cemetery, Westbrook, Minnesota.
Comnick married Mildred Ring, of the Windom-Jackson area of Minnesota, in June 1950. They had one daughter, Mary Beth.
Based on a piece in the First Lutheran sesquicentennial booklet (2003).