Biographical Sketch of

Jere Wright Annis

Jere Wright Annis received his education at the district schools of Westfield, Vermont, and Westfield Academy. Upon obtaining his majority he removed to Osage, Iowa, and formed a partnership with E. O. Hitchcock in a mercantile business, which was successfully conducted until 1868, when he formed a partnership with Judge Hitchcock and J. H. Johnson and conducted a large hardware business under the name Johnson and Annis. This was continued until 1885 when he received an appointment as assistant cashier of the Osage National Bank, which was followed in 1891 by his promotion to cashier, and directorship of the bank.
A sample of a Certificate of Deposit signed by J. W. Annis of the Osage National Bank. (Actual image {anncerti.jpg} is much larger than displayed here. Click above to see larger rendition.)

Politically, he was affiliated with the Republican Party, and was elected Mayor of Osage in 1881 and 1893. He was President of the Board of Trade, President of the Mitchell County Farmer's Mutual Insurance Company and Agricultural Society, a member of the Osage Lodge #102, F. & A. M., and Eminent Commander of Coeur de Leon Commandery, #19.

Upon attaining his majority he removed to Osage, Iowa, and there formed a partnership with E. O. Hitchcock in the mercantile business, which was successfully conducted until 1868, when he formed a partnership with Judge Hitchcock and J. H. Johnson, and conducted a large hardware business under the firm name of Johnson & Annis, which was continued until 1885, when he received the appointment of assistant cashier of the Osage National Bank, which was followed in 1891 by his promotion to the position of cashier, a position he still holds, as well as a directorship in the same institution.

Politically Mr. Annis has affiliated with the Republican party, and at the hands of his party was honored by an election to the mayoralty of Osage in 1881, and again in 1893, being the present mayor. He is president of the Osage Board of Trade, president of the Mitchell County Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company and Agricultural Society.

He is a member of Osage Lodge, No. 102, F. & A. M., and Osage Chapter, No. 36, and is Eminent Commander of Cśur de Leon Commandery, No. 19.

Mr. Annis was united in marriage Nov. 24, 1864, at Westfield, to Lucia S. Hitchcock, daughter of Hiram and Harriet Hitchcock. Four children have blessed this union; they are: Franklin W., Fanny, Laura L., and Homer B.


Jere Annis's Ancestry

Father: Abiathar Wright Annis 1814-1876
Grandfather: Nathaniel Flood Annis 1788-1877
Great-Grandfather:David Annis 1754-1824
Great-Great Grandfather: Daniel Annis 1711-1790
Great-Great-Great Grandfather: Abraham Annis 1668-1738,
Great-Great-Great-Great Grandfather: Cormac Annis 1638-1717.


Submitted to Mitchell County IaGenWeb by Kathy Pike, August 2004