Mills County, Iowa

Henderson Christian Church
"Highland Congregation"
(Anderson Township)
On February 2, 1877, in the Kilgore schoolhouse, three miles west of Henderson, a few gathered that memorable Sunday, and by their love for God and Truth, brought into existence the present
Christian Church of Henderson.
There were fourteen members, they were Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Newton, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stonebraker, Mrs. J. A. Carse, Mrs. H. F. Maxwell, Miss Alice Newton, E. W. Myers. R. J. Myers,
J. E. Storrers, W. H. Gonser, Mrs. James Conns and Mr. York. With these as a beginning a “Church of Christ” was organized with the local name of “Highland Congregation”, Mrs. J. A.
Stonebraker, Treasurer.
In 1878 the first minister, Brother A. McFadden served until 1880 in a fruitful ministry. W. J. Wheeler was elected Elder. Brother Hardman served as pastor, 1881-1882,
and moved to
Greenwood, NE. Brother McFadden returned for 1 year. In 1883, Brother D. C. Morrice was our minister and alternated with Oakland. He stayed 6 months. In 1884, Brother Hardman
recalled and began for the first time a service at Henderson. alternating with the service at Kilgore schoolhouse. The next seven or eight years were difficult and under three different
The first services in town were held in what was then known as Starret's Hall. Brother Prophater of Hamburg, Iowa accepted the call April 1886 with the Highland and Henderson congregations.
With the steadily growing membership, a need of a more suitable place for worship was felt. with the growing desire to establish a Church at what was later known as Lone Star and one at
Henderson. So in the fall of 1886, the lots and Church building used by the Lutheran Society, were purchased of Joel Woods and wife for sum of $1,500.
The following March, all services at Kilgore schoolhouse were abandoned. The parsonage was built in 1891. Brother Solomon M. Perkins served 1895-1896 and married Belle Stonebraker while here.
His work stands out as one of our most successful ministries.
- Leaders of the Flock
A. McFadden 1878-1880
- Brother Hardman 1881-1882
- A. McFadden Returned for one year
- D. C. Morrice 6 months
- Brother Hardman 1884
- Brother Pophater 1886
- D. J. Howe 1887-1889
- B. C. Wilkinson 1890-
- Brother Weemer 1890 Summer
- Brother Charles 1891-1893 (Parsonage built in 1891)
- Brother Posten 1894
- M. Perkins 1895-1896
- Brother Duffy
- C. Johnson Alternated Sundays with Carson iow Church
- A. C. Downing
- W. R. McCrea
- W. R. McCrea Served until April 1901
- Evangelist Lemmon & Brother Johnson served the winter of 1904
- Rev. Polly 1905-07
- Rev. Stall 3 months
- Clarence Miller 1907-08
- John J. Schuller 1908-1910
- Rev. J. Wallace Jacobys 1910
- Bro. Wright & Rev. J. Tanzalier 1942
- Rev. William Lee 1942-54
- John Amandson 1954
- Rev. Harold Roth 19550-58
- Rev. Morris Bailey 1959
- Rev. Fred Gee 1959-60
- Rev. Bob Jones 1960-69
- Rev. Wes Thompson 1969-70
- Rev. Charles Presley 1970-75 (Purchased present parsonage in 1971)
- Rev. Fred Cogburn 1973-76
- Rev. Jerry Caughron 1977-78
- Rev. Al Cookson 1978-83
- Rev. Larry Hudson 1984-85
- Rev. Mel Smith Oct of 85 present pastor.
- Other members of the Church.
J. J. Ewing – Elder
R. N. Morton – Elder
D. A. Williams – Deacon
R. A. Adkins – Deacon
J. A. Stonebraker – Deacon
Mrs. E. Lawrence – Clerk
Source: adapted from History of Mills County Iowa, 1985~ transcribed by Karyn Techau
Donated by Bette Byers, August 2024