1870 Madison County Census

Column Key



Pg Page number
Ln Line number
Dw Number of dwelling house, by order of visitation from enumerator
Fm Number of family, by order of visitation from enumerator
Surname Surname of individual
Given Name Given name of individual
Age Children, who, on the 1st of June,  1870, were less than a year old, will have their age stated  by the fractional part of the year, as (1 month) 1-12, (3  months) 3-12, (9 months) 9-12, etc. In all other cases,  months will be omitted. The age taken is the age at last  birthday. 
S Sex
C Color
Occupation Profession, occupation, or trade
8 Value of real estate
9 Value of personal estate
Birthplace Place of birth: State or territory of the United States or foreign country
11 Was the person's father of foreign birth?
12 Was the person's mother of foreign birth?
13 If the person was born within the last year, which month?
14 If the person was married within the last year, which month?
15 Did the person attend school within the last year?
16 Can the person not read?
17 Can the person not write?
18 Is the person deaf and dumb, blind, insane, or idiotic?
19 Is the person a male citizen of the United States of 21 years or upwards?
20 Is the person a male citizen of the United States of 21 years or upwards whose right to vote is denied or abridged on grounds other than "rebellion or other crime?"


Maintained by the County Coordinator

This page was created in May 2019.

This page was last updated Thursday, 29-Oct-2020 11:14:31 CDT .