Having purchased the drug business formerly conducted by Mr. A. L. Severin. we take this means of inviting the continued patronage of all those who have heretofore found this store a desirable, place to purchase their needs in the drug lines. The prescription department, which has grown so largely in popular favor during Mr. Severin’s proprietorship, will continue to receive the same careful attention.
Conrad C. Brugmann & Co.
Ad taken from The Reporter dated October 30, 1902. The paper was published by Junkin & Smith.
Subscription rates:
If paid by end of year, $2.00. If paid after 3 months, $1.75. If paid in advance, $1.50.
The last line of the ad probably indicates the large settlement of Germans at that time!Provided by Evelyn Halverson
Transcribed by Roseanna ZehnerStories Index