September 1904
The opening of the prettiest and most up-to-date millinery tomorrow at Miss Colvin's millinery store.
Monday night thieves broke into Umhoeffer Bros. Store at Alvord and carried away a dozen suits, shoes and rings. They gained entrance by cutting out lights of glass from the rear window. Sheriff Woodburn was sent for and took one of his blood hounds but they did not pick up a scent.
It is a feeling of great satisfaction that Inwood people hear of the prospective return of the family of C.S. Foote to Inwood. Mr. Foote has purchased the dray business of G. R. Ladd and will move his family back here from Dell Rapids, S.D. We are glad they decided that there is no place like home.
Barley averaged thirty bushels per acre in threshing recently done over near Klondike. The bluff land raised the best barley this year.
The first frost of the season visited this place last night. As far as we have learned the frost was very light and did little or no damage.
New subscribers to the Inwood Telephone are A. Bucknam, No. 74; Hanson & Johnson, blacksmith shop, No. 64; Chas. Garver, No 75.
About two months ago a strange character arrived in Inwood. He went to the post office to mail a somewhat lengthy letter to Washington, that needed a four cent stamp instead of a two cent stamp and tried to "work" the postmaster for another. He finally got another stamp somewhere and put a special delivery stamp on it. The incident was almost forgot until Mr. Mak picked up the Sioux City Journal and recognized the letter and name of the character; he was "charged" with writing and sending obscene letters to President Roosevelt and threatened his life unless certain reforms were made. He was arrested in Ft. Dodge and will go to trial in Sioux Falls.
John Erickson hauled in 2,000 bushels of barley which was raised on 75 acres, it is the grain buyer's opinion that it was the highest grade of barley that has been marketed this season.
September 1914
WHAT ARE THEY FIGHTING FOR? Never before in the world's history have great events crowded upon each other with the rapidly and overwhelming horror with which they have thrust themselves into the early days of August in this Year of our Lord, 1914. An epoch is in the making. Five first-power nations are at each other's throats, locked in a death struggle. Two minor powers are in the maelstrom of death. At least five other countries, great and lesser, are arming for the inevitable. More will follow. And for what?
Rev. Quinn of the orphans home brought a little girl from the home last week and placed her with Mr. and Mrs. C. Dykstra where she will be loved and cherished as their own.
Hundreds of thousands of men are fighting in the gigantic war now going on in the old world, and everyone is interested in the happenings of each day.
GERMAN RALLY DAY, will be held at the German Hall two miles east of Inwood on Saturday Sept. 26th. Band music and address at 2:00 p.m. and dance at 8:00 p.m. Any surplus made at this gathering will go to the German Relief Fund.
Miss. Emma Serck is another high school graduate who is teaching this fall. She has the school in the Joe Brown district.
Henry, Ole and Bennie Moen closed a deal for the purchase of the I. Harris farm four and a half miles north of this place. They paid $175.00 per acre for this fine place of two hundred and forty acres.
President Woodrow Wilson, by proclamation, has appointed Sunday, Oct. 4, a national day of prayer for peace in Europe and called upon all God-fearing persons to gather in church on that day and petition Almighty God to heal again and restore once more concord among men and nations.
Watch for the announcements and dates of the coming of Black Beaver to the Weberg & Co. store with its line of fine furs and fur garments.
September 1924
I wish to announce to the people of Inwood that although I have bought the Fairview Restaurant, I will still continue to look after my windmill business. - A. Severson
Mayor C. Ladd takes a bride, Miss Orra Belle Stapleton of Sioux Falls.
"Uncle" John Fry was 80 on Wednesday. John is one of Inwood's old civil war veterans and many gathered at the Inwood City Park and engaged in a picnic supper of fried chicken.
A.G. Rudd, living three miles west and three miles south of Inwood, states that his sons have killed three rattlesnakes in his stubble field.
Under the management of Jens Jensen, the output of the Farmers Creamery has increased almost 500 percent.
Mr. Hugo Reimers of the First National Bank has both feet planted firmly on the optimistic plank and says he can see a big change in business and money matters. Instead of money going out, it is coming in rapidly now.
When Albert Erickson arrived home last week Sunday from a week's visit, he discovered that someone had very kindly put five gallons of gas in his car. Albert is much obliged for the gas but warned that they may need hospital services after taking such liberties.
Bright and beautiful daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Skewis, Ruth Genevive, 20, died after suffering a brain fever.
F.B. Hanson reports that according to painstaking tests that he has made the corn is now about fifty percent dented. Every farmer ought to engage to secure good seed before the frost.
ARMY GOODS - Shirts, Breeches, Blankets, Boots, Coats, Hunting Goods, Saddles - Everything you want at a price you can afford. – Canton Army Store (across from Rudolph Hotel.)
September 1934
Friends of Grace Erickson, who was taken ill last week will be glad to hear that she is doing a little better.
Freda Jacobsen has accepted a position as clerk in the Inwood post office. She started work on Monday.
The Lyon county school census shows that there are 153 more boys of school age than girls in the rural schools.
Lars Jensen near Granite was attacked and gored by his bull, after what seemed hours of struggling. His faithful dog diverted the bull's attention so Lars could make his escape. He is confined to his bed with a broken shoulder and many serious bruises.
The county relief director has been notified that a big shipment of fruit jars will be arriving in the county and will be distributed for the needy.
What more heartless political propaganda could be divised than that of telling the aged and needy people of Iowa that they are to be given a pension of $25 per month when such an amount cannot be released by the provisions of the act.
Inwood, like many communities, has a few buildings along its Main street where a business firm has "gone under" due to the Depression.
Surely there is a better way of handling the drinking question than by forcing every town and city in Iowa to have ten bar rooms where only one existed before the days of prohibition.
Sink holes caused the death of two horses last week, when trapped in the mysterious caverns at the Ben Madland farm located 5 miles north and one mile west of Inwood.
A finger ring fits easily over the arm of Baby Olten, who weighs only 725 grams and is the smallest baby in the Infant Incubators at the World's Fair in Chicago.
No point in Iowa is more than twelve miles from a railroad and no one need walk to the railroad station, for Iowa farmers own 191,871 automobiles. Ninety percent of farmers now own automobiles.
Permission granted from Jodie Hoogendoorn, editor, Lyon County Reporter