November 1904
The inhabitants of this burg enjoyed a rare musical treat Wednesday evening in listening to the Wendt Orchestra of Canton in their concert at the Presbyterian church.
Be sure to cast your vote November 8th. You'll never be sorry if you do; you may be sorry if you don't.
If you are going to do any pickling you should use only Johnson's Pure Apple Vinegar. For sale only by Weberg Bros., exclusive agents for Inwood.
The Lutheran Ladies Aid Society will serve oysters in Wenig Hall, Thanksgiving evening, Thursday, Nov-ember 24. Price of supper, 25 cents; children, 15 cents. Sales of articles that the ladies have been making during the year will occur at this time. Help the ladies society (kvinde forening) and help yourself to something good.
Mukden, Nov. 10 – Artillery firing was continuous all along the lines on Monday, and is intermittent this morning. A battle might commence at any hour.
President Roosevelt had an escape from death almost miraculous, being thrown from his horse while he was riding near Washington.
This Thanksgiving ought to find a good many thankful people in this corner of Iowa for it has been an unusually prosperous year in these parts. Remember your blessings and be thankful.
A new gasoline lighting plant has been put into the Presbyterian church this week. They were to be tried last night at the prayer meeting service for the first time.
The Inwood school board set a new rule to the effect that the Thanksgiving holiday should be one day only, instead of both Thursday and Friday as is the most universal custom. Thinking of going to school after a day of festivities. Awful to contemplate!
Geo. Larsen has resigned his position at the post office to accept a position as a clerk at Storjohann's.
Skating parties are usually popular on Thanksgiving day. Someone suggested a swimming party instead for this year.
November 1914
The little boys got out last Saturday evening and pulled off some of the usual Halloween stunts, and later in the night and during the early hours Sunday morning some of the older boys got into the game with the result that main street was barricaded and decorated in a style not seen here for some years
Take a look at our husking mitts; it will save you money. A Model Grocery
Rare bargains in shoes for men, boys, women and children are now to be had at the Inwood Shoe Co.'s store.
The old bridge at Klondike will be sold to the highest bidder at 11:00 o'clock A.M. on Thursday, Nov. 10, 1914. T.E. Moen, county commissioner.
At six o'clock last evening Miss Genevieve Erickson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Erickson of this city, and Mr Vernon Sheley of Kingsley IA, were united in the holy bonds of wedlock at the home of the bride's parents in the presence of a large number of relatives and very intimate friends of the family.
Designs have been completed and specifications prepared in the United States Navy department for a new and distinct type of submarine which will outclass submarines such as the German U-9 class just as the first Dreadnought excelled the old type of battleship. It will probably be the greatest submarine afloat. The new craft will be known as a fleet submarine.
The cold weather has struck us at last and the cold northwest wind, frost laden and suggestive of vast fields of snow and ice, chills us to the marrow. We haven't put the antifreeze into our summer blood yet.
Found a shawl, laid in wrong auto presumably by mistake. Owner call at this office and pay costs of this notice.
We have just received a fine new line of the latest in dress shoes for men and women. Call and see them while the sizes are complete. Inwood Shoe Co.
The M.E. Ladies Aid Society will hold their annual bazaar and chicken pie supper Dec. 16. All donations for bazaars can be brought to the church on that date or left at Mrs. White's any time before that date. Everyone invited to come.
President Chris Erickson of the First National Bank of this city was exhibiting a few sample bills of the new Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago which were issued to the First National Bank of Chicago correspondent. They were in denominations of five dollars and bore the picture of Abraham Lincoln. They looked good to us and, we would not refuse the new bills on account or in payment of subscription and we presume that the local committee of the Belgian Relief commission would be glad to accept this sort or any other sort of money that will purchase food stuffs for the starving people of that unfortunate country.
November 1924
Mrs. D. Scholton went to Hollandale, Minn., on Thursday to speak during the afternoon and evening in the Reformed Church on the subject of missions.
Harry White has just finished the building of a fine new chicken house on the farm east of town.
E.E. Ballhaeim, the Mason City Eye Specialist, will be at the Hotel, Inwood IA., Monday and Tuesday, Nov 11 and 12, 1924.
Lloyd Henrickson accidentally shot himself through the calf of the leg about five o'clock on Wednesday afternoon. Lloyd was handling the rifle in the store and we understand had been rat hunting and evidently forgot it was loaded. The gun was in some way accidentally discharged with the above results. It was only a flesh wound and aside from being painful and inconvenient, no serious results are anticipated.
Inwood High School football team defeated the Orange City team on the local field here Tuesday, the score being 6 to 0.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Calsbeek entertained the members of the church board and their wives on Tuesday evening in honor of their 20th wedding anniversary.
The "City Dads" of Inwood have had the City Hall building pretty thoroughly overhauled and repaired the past few weeks. A stove has been set up in the hose room and is ready to do double service when needed. It will keep the transient tenant in the city bastile from getting too chilly and will furnish heat to dry out the fire hose as occasion demands. The walls have been tinted and wood work varnished. The past week storm windows have been fitted to the windows on the second floor.
P.G. Gibson drove his trusty Dodge to Chamberlain and back last Saturday. He went on business and was accompanied by Harry Bulley. Mr. Gibson says that there is now a gravel road all the way and some of it is certainly excellent.
The long expected cold wave and snow storm struck Saturday night or early Sunday morning. There was plenty of wind, but the snow was hardly sufficient to cover the ground and soon blew away.
November 1934
Above all a Vote on Tuesday, Nov 6th. There should be no stay-at-homes. Vote, or forever hold your peace on the management of public affairs.
Pierre Folkert departed by rail last Friday evening for Chicago where he plans to visit relatives and see a Century of Progress.
Donald Holland, son of Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Holland, was severely scalded across the face by a gush of steam and water from an automobile radiator at his farm home north of Inwood late Wednesday evening.
The new scale and scale office building very likely will be located on railroad property directly across the street from the city hall and present city scale office. The new set-up in this preferred location will face south parallel to the Milwaukee rails at a point near Bucknam's cafe, the depot, grain elevator, and coal shed group in the southwest part of the business district.
Roller skating every Saturday night at Inwood Institute Hall from 7:30 to 10:30. B.H. Moen, Manager.
The scale beams and platform materials were unloaded from Milwaukee cars last Saturday and a final shipment arrived by rail on Tuesday. About ten days will be required to set up the new 20-ton scale if good weather prevails.
Plans to organize a local troop of Boy Scouts of America under the national organization plan were advanced last Monday evening by three members of the Thorson Post American Legion, who met as board of directors at Henrickson and Son hardware store.
Inwood Commercial Club members, at their regular monthly meeting and dinner held Monday evening at Buckham's cafe, decided by popular vote to investigate the possibilities of Golden Jubilee and Homecoming days to celebrate the fiftieth birthday of Inwood next summer.
Permission granted from Jodie Hoogendoorn, editor, Lyon County Reporter