July 1904
Someone has started the story that gold has been discovered in the Rosebud country and some folks are quite a bit excited over the report. By the way, silver ore has been discovered in Inwood. While hoeing in his garden a few weeks ago, S. B. Liddell discovered a rock rich in the shining metal of the genuine sort, but he could probably hoe for ten years more and not find another piece there so you see these stories of precious discoveries are not to be taken too seriously.
Frank Perrian bought a rubber-tired buggy at Canton. A new buggy is a nice thing for a young man to have.
The depot at Lester with all its contents and household goods of the station agent burned at an early hour this morning. The agent, who slept in a room over the office, was awakened barely in time to get out of the burning building.
Ladd's automobile (horseless) will make a trip every fifteen minutes from Weberg's store to A.A. Roger's on Saturday evening. This is a social benefit for the band and the trip in the auto for each passenger will be 5 cents.
Ole Johnson canvassed this neighborhood for the sale of mail boxes to the patrons of the new rural mail routes.
Fifteen passengers took the train to Sioux Falls to attend the Ringling Bros. circus.
Enderson, a tailor, and Johnson, a baker, both of Rock Rapids were killed by lightening while at the river fishing Monday. They were found Tuesday morning.
The First National Bank of Inwood had a supply of brand new $10 and $20 bills this week bearing their own imprint and the signature of Cashier Erickson. This is sure enough Inwood money.
This conversation took place in a telephone office. "Hello! Hello! Are you 89?" "No, I'm not 50 yet." She hung up the receiver like hitting the box with a sledge hammer.
July 1914
Richard Van Woudenberg, who lives four miles south of Inwood, has purchased a fine new J.I. Case threshing outfit consisting of a sixty-five horse power engine and a forty-sixty two separator. Mr. Van Woudenberg, believing that the farmers of the community would appreciate the excellent work of such a rig, has made the investment and solicits the patronage of the farmers who appreciate having the grain in the sack rather than in the straw pile. A new threshing rig is like a new broom – it does much better work than an old one.
While cultivating in the garden at his son's farm near Fairvew, S.D. Gardner was killed by lightening. Two children were with him, the boy received a shock and was ill for a few days.
The annual picnic was held at the Henry Hanson grove July 4. During the morning a patriotic program was rendered and at an appropriate hour the young ladies spread a bountiful picnic feast after which everyone engaged in sports of the day.
Grandma Coyer, 82, Grandma Christensen, 88, and Grandma Fry, 71, have all passed from this life this past week.
You can get one of those Mission Electric Lamps now on display at twenty-five cents discount.ãL. B. Sutton
There will be a demonstration of the Serum Treatment for prevention of hog colera today at the Henry Hanson farm, two west and one-half mile south of Inwood. Farmers interested in vaccination of hogs will do well to be present. Dr. Renshaw will be in charge of the vaccination, while Dr. Wilby of the Extenstion Dept. will be the representative in charge of the demonstration
Miss Mrytle Wenig has been confined to her home since last Thursday with an infected foot which has resembled blood poison. The irritation was started by scratching a mosquito bite.
The Presbyterian church is planning for a large open air service on the church lawn next Sunday evening. Special numbers will be given by the choir quartet also selections by the gramophone and a short fifteen minute talk by the pastor. Autos will be able to line up and listen from their auto and a good supply of chairs for those who walk twill be there.
July 1924
W.Z. Masterson again played the role of hero early Tuesday morning when he discovered a blaze at the Hagan Shoe store. Freight train No. 71 had just pulled out and "Bill" was at the depot when he heard a cracking sound and went to investigate. Masterson could see a red glow through the transom and a cloud of smoke curling up at the ceiling. He hurried to the fire station and pulled the hose cart to the hydrant and by that time help arrived. The loss by fire was comparatively slight owing to the prompt action of Marshall Masterson. A fire in that same building was discovered two years ago when Ole Tobiason rented it for a soft drink parlor .
The Inwood Auto Co. has recently sold new Dodge cars to John Weberg, Theo Serck and George Fry and a Chevrolet touring car to Phil DeGroot.
The body of Mrs. Martin Kettelson, 35, was recovered on the banks of the Big Sioux River near Canton. An examination of the body showed no sign of violence indicating that the theory of some – that she threw herself in the river while her mind was temporarily deranged – is plausible.
Unusual interest among feminine motorists greeted Willys-Overland announcement of its new two-passenger Overland Coupe. The new coupe has ventilating windshield, Dura window regulators, rear window curtains and little touches that appeal to the feminine taste to use for shopping or visiting by the women folks of the home. Come see this 42 horsepower! Fifty miles and more an hour ã at Hanson's Garage.
Miss Mary Buehler, Public Health Nurse, gave a very interesting discussion on the health of school children. She stated that a large number of children were defective due to improper care at home and at school. Remedies suggested more care in foods, milk and other wholesome foods, but no coffee or tea. Warm lunches at school and better school houses.
If you see Bill Siminsma, head clerk at the Model Store, leave town early Sunday morning with tent, camping outfit and fishing poles, don't become alarmed. He isn't skipping services for a Sunday fishing trip, but he is taking his family to Green Lake, Minn., a distance of 215 miles, where they say the fishing is good and he is anxious to get an early start Monday morning.
We were not all in favor of knicker suits some few years ago. However, that is ancient history; today the knicker suit is the ideal garb of the the sportswomen. It exercises a discriminating taste in all matter of details.
July 1934
All the coal being shoveled at the Inwood Public school building will now be done by a mechanical stoker. The board decided to purchase the $1,025 stoker which will have a 30 percent saving on coal.
The Sioux River at Canton has claimed its second youth in three weeks when Ed Erickson, a victim of cramps, died in 10 feet of water.
Sam Nelson has been decorating the interior of the Elite Cafe the past week during spare moments. Orange with black trimming are the colors he has used to brighten the furniture in the parlor where "friends meet, eat, greet, then treat."
When hunters plunk down a dollar for the new Federal Hunting stamp at their nearest post office, they're not only able to duck hunt but help restore fowl.
The Inwood Bakery added an electric bread sealer to their equipment.
Mr. and Mrs. Storie left for the Black Hills of South Dakota. They plan to arrive in ample time to reach the Hills before a final take off of the Stratosphere gondola at Moonlight Valley. Watching and waiting of the big bag has prevailed for weeks, while thousands of tourists have come and gone to the camp near Rapid City. Many cities have claimed and named as the possible landing field for the gondola after the flight. If space is all that it takes, there is plenty of it and wide open near Inwood. This vicinity in particular has been rightfully named the "Garden spot of Iowa," so that ought to be some inducement.
In Lyon county there was reported 76 marriages and only one divorce.
Lloyd Klein of Hospers, Ia., has arranged with local druggist, A.L. McGill to operate a watch repair shop in the McGill Drug Store.
More than 20 Lyon county residents 65 years of age and financially unable to support themselves have made application for aid under Iowa's new old-age pension.
Permission granted from Jodie Hoogendoorn, editor, Lyon County Reporter