December 1904
The Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterian church have made arrangements to hold a bazaar in the basement of the Farmers Bank on Saturday, Dec. 10. Besides the usual sale of needle work and fancy articles, the ladies will have a bakery department and supply their patrons with cakes, pies, doughnuts, etc. The sale will begin in the afternoon and continue in the evening when ice cream and cake will be served.
Mr. and Mrs Datlaf Bahn-son are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl. The young lady came to their house last Friday.
H.J. Jensen and wife, who live east of town, are the parents of a baby boy who was born to them last Sunday.
On Wednesday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.T. Moen of Logan township, occurred the marriage of Helen Dorothea Moen to George Myron Thompson.
Gus Johnson who died at the poor farm last week and whose body was sent by order of the state medical board to Sioux City, will be returned to this place for burial, if a movement which is now being pushed by friends of the deceased is fruitful. A subscription paper is being circulated and already a considerable part of the money necessary has been pledged for the purpose of bringing the remains back. Johnson had no relatives here and after waiting the required length of time after his death, Supervisor Matt Priester communicated with the secretary of the state board of health and was ordered to ship the remains to the Sioux City Medical college for disecting purposes. The law provides, however, that the body must be kept for sixty days at the school for friends or relatives to claim, if so desired, and they will take advantage of this to give the man a Christian burial.
The first blizzard of the season struck us Monday in accordance with weather observer Cox's prediction of Sunday. If there had been more snow, traffic of all kinds would have been suspended, and it was only by the most strenuous efforts that trains were driven in the face of the gale from three to four hours late. No. 1 on Wednesday was twelve hours late.
Albertson and Moen's hearse was in attendance at a funeral eight miles west of Canton Wednesday. We are without particulars.
December 1914
The weather still stays fine and all former records for fine weather are bring broken. Plowing is still in progress.
The Rumely Electric Lighting Plant is an investment rather than an expense. It is an investment that pays big dividends. In work saved, time saved, money saved, health saved and in the added convenience of having perfect, steady, restful light, by the turn of a switch, any time day or night. Just the lighting plant for the farm that you farmers have been looking for. Get my catalog. – J.H. Weberg
See the Seven Cairns Bros. and their company present their Western Drama, "Broken Arrow" at Inwood Opera House one night only Tuesday, December 15.
The Lyon County Farmers Institute will be held in this city the last week in January. Plan to be present and do not plan any sales or other social functions for that week.
A pretty wedding was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Mak at high noon Thanksgiving Day when their eldest daughter Carolyn, became the bride of Charles Harrison Sherman of Inwood.
At ten o'clock this Thursday morning, Miss Ethel Flanagan, the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Flanagan, and Mr. Clare Lanning, son of Mr. E. Lanning, proprietor of the Lanning Hardware, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony in the chapel at All Saints School, Sioux Falls.
If the woman who left a pair of shoes in the editor's automobile will call at this office, she can have 'em. We have troubles enough without having to be called on to explain how a woman's shoes happened to be in that car. And the fact of the matter is, we're somewhat curious ourselves to know how it happened. The car was left standing in front of the news office and at noon a pair of woman's shoes were in the car. This story of the case may sound like bunk, but it's straight goods and we're not eager to have those shoes on our hands any longer. Shoes weren't made, in the first place, to be left on a man's hands.
As the Herald goes to press earlier this week, the local columns suffer for lack of the usual grist of news. We will try and make up the deficiency in the next issue.
The Knights of Luther will hold a special session on Monday, Dec 28th, at the usual hour instead of the regular meeting on January first. Members will take notice and act accordingly.
Manager Severson of the Lyric announces that there will be a special before Christmas program rendered on Wednesday night of this week, the 23rd, and that on Saturday evening there will be another splendid program. Don't miss the Wednesday program.
December 1924
Snow began to fall early this morning and the ground is now covered by the heaviest fall of snow we have had thus far this season. Close to a foot of snow must have fallen and it is still steadily falling as though there was an inexhaustible supply.
Mrs. Prins will conduct a Clean Up Sale on Hats from now until Christmas and will sell them at Half Price.
The city of Inwood took on rather a metropolitan air on Tuesday night when a slender figure was seen emerging stealthily from a dark cellar with a long slim butcher knife gripped firmly in the right hand, and it was feared for a while that the tong war had taken hold in Inwood. Later developments however (on information from a feminine source) proved conclusively that it was not a chinaman but a Poland China that was killed.
Rev. T.S. Bassett is wearing a very happy smile just now for he has received news by wire from New York announcing the safe arrival of a baby boy in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brown Bassett. That sprightly step of Rev. Bassett would hardly indicate that he is now a grandpa.
President Calvin Coolidge may be present at the National Ski Tournament which will be held at Thorson Hill, Canton, S.Dak., Feb. 11 and 12, 1925.
Students home for the holidays include John Bahnson from ISU; Hattie Hanson, Helen Stearns and Harold J. Stearns from U of I; Arthur Leivestad from the University of Minnesota; Ervin Bahnson from Union School of Music; Rebecca Eiesland, Jemina Stensland and Olive and Oliver Larson from Canton Lutheran Normal, and Peter Tolsma from Western Academy.
Funeral services for the late Rasmus Hanson were conducted Tuesday.
The members of Ella Helder's Sunday School class were given a six o'clock dinner and bob sled party Tuesday evening.
December 1934
More main street buildings occupied shows good trend. A business revival is on at Inwood. It comes near being a small business boom with the announcement of another new store due to open here late in December.
Renewed interest in the public library has been evident by the number of books drawn the last two Saturday afternoons and evenings, according to Mrs. Orra Ladd, head librarian.
An extensive program of remodeling and modernization got under way at the Quaker Oats Company's westside grain elevator and office building Tuesday morning with J.A. Bergholm, foreman, directing a three-man crew for T. B. Ibberson Company of St. Paul.
Merle Holland and Milo Lee arrived home Sunday, after spending several days in Chicago where they attended the International Livestock show.
The Lutheran Ladies Aid Society will serve lunch at the Parish house Saturday afternoon, December 15, in connection with the sale of articles of clothing which will be brought here by Mrs. Thompson of the Beloit Orphans Home. Proceeds from the lunch and sale will be for the benefit of the Home.
Plenty of snow and plenty of cold weather for Christmas this year.
Herald readers are receiving this edition earlier than usual for two reasons. First, because Christmas day is near at hand and we are running the Christmas programs and second because we are anxious to get this week's paper out of the way because we have an immense amount of work to do before the next paper is issued.
Santa Claus headed out of Inwood last Saturday after spending an hour with the kiddies, just in time to escape a real rain storm. Ice and snow now turned to real rivulets and again to a sheet of ice hours later.
The Quaker Oats Company has again swung the west elevator doors open for a continuance of business. Truck loads of grain are now riding over the new planks and pit screens.
Permission granted from Jodie Hoogendoorn, editor, Lyon County Reporter