Ancient News
from the Lyon County Reporter
September 1884
The Augustana College, which was located at Beloit, is now located in Canton, S.D., just across the river, that place having donated them a hotel building for school purposes as well as extended other aid.
We had heard Dr. Norris say that he had intended to put in bathrooms, but we were surprised this morning to look in upon the nearly completed arrangements to see the facilities, care and expense bestowed on the enterprise. We doubt if there are any towns in the state of 3,000 or 4,000 inhabitants that can boast of any better. He has a perfect plan for heating and distributing hot water. Either cold or hot can be used at will. His bathtubs are large, strong and elegant. The doctor deserves the thanks of the community and a hearty support for this adventure.
Professor Baker paid $1 for a telegram of six words to this place from another part of the state when the same words could have been sent to California for 50 cents.
The Congregational Church has adopted the plan of renting the pews to pay the pastor's salary. Two points of excellency urged for this plan as it gives every regular attendant an opportunity to contribute to this fund and, at the same time, giving them a claim upon church privileges.
J.W. Fell, the gentleman who formerly owned the Sykes Estate at Larchwood but at present lives at Bloomington, Ill., has been spending some time visiting in that neighborhood. He returned Saturday to his old home. Mr. Fell planted the miles of willow hedge and planted the beautiful growth of shrubbery for which Larchwood is noted.
September 1894
A tough-looking specimen of an Indian, who looked as though he might have been young three-quarters of a century ago, was circulating about the streets Tuesday. The ancient Lo was supposed to have a camp down the river, but upon investigation by a dray load of boys, it was found that the camp contained representatives of a tribe known to have resided in Covington, Neb.
H.S. Bradley is working a new industry – that of taking rock from the river. He has constructed an elevator track on which a dummy is hauled with block and tackle to the top of the bank below the Illinois Central bridge. There is a big bed of rocks at this point and Mr. Bradley expects to take out not far from 200 cords.
The 21st Iowa boys, with many other veterans and a goodly number of citizens, were gathered at the opera house when H.A. Dyker, president of the association, rapped for order. Over the state was a banner with the inscription "Dunlap Post Welcomes the 21st Iowa" and on the walls, either side, placards bore the names of well-remembered battles in which the regiment took part.
A soda fount exploded in Horton & Andrews basement Tuesday. At 150 pounds of pressure, the bottom was blown out and the explosion shook the whole building.
September 1904
The ladies of the People Church will serve a chicken dinner at the church today. Price: 25 cents. The church will be open all day as a rest room.
Martin A. Kruger of Grant Township purchased from a W. E. Paddock the north half of Section 6, 10 miles due east of Rock Rapids for $75 per acre.
One of the interesting features of carnival week was a drill by a number of veterans of the Civil War who volunteered to show the younger generation how things were done 40 years ago. Twenty-one veterans were in line and did a stunt of marching and going through the manual of arms.
Letters received by the Carpenter family from their daughter, Mrs. Thomas Downer, who is now living at Los Angeles, Calif., are of a very cheering nature and show that the improvement in her health, which was hoped would result from a change in climate, has not been slow in coming. She is now on the road to permanent recovery. She has been living out of doors nearly all the time and sleeping in a tent and her physician assures her that she will soon be more robust than ever before.
J.K.P. Thompson succeeded in getting enough parties to pledge their portion of the $100 to be raised in this county for making an exhibit at the World's Fair.
We now have 17 lawyers in Rock Rapids.
September 1914
The Rock Rapids mayor and city council have sent out invitations to all the mayors and members of the city councils of the county to be guests of the city Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 1. The editors of the county have also been invited and it is likely all will be present. The purpose of the occasion is to see the "great white way" the city has just completed turned on. When the clock strikes the hour of eight in the evening, the 250 big white lights mounted on the prettiest electrolier posts in the United States will be turned on.
The recent increase in salaries for carriers on rural free delivery mail routes did not result in the securing of the $1,200 per year expected, except in a small percentage of cases. The salaries received by Rock Rapids rural carriers at present is as follows: Daisy Rabey $1,140, Thomas Cushman $1,152, Peter Waagmeester $1,100, Raymond Olson $1,200 and Hugh McKelvey $1,164.
Sheriff Wheatley has posted notices notifying James J. Kelly, in whose name a barrel full of pint and half-pint bottles of whiskey were shipped to this city last week and which was seized by the anti-saloon league, that unless he appears and shows good cause why it should not be destroyed, it will be emptied on the dump pile, the bottles broken and the barrel burned. Mr. Wheatley opened a bottle and declared from the smell it is whiskey.
Do not forget the date of the patriotic German meeting at the German Hall near Inwood Saturday, Sept. 26. Lectures will be given in the afternoon and a dance in the evening. All proceeds will be sent to the Fatherland.
September 1924
The Rock Rapids Creamery Co. this week started making Rock Rapids Ice Cream. B. Bjerg is in charge of the ice cream department. He recently came here from Minneapolis. He has had 20 years' experience making butter and ice cream and is a recognized expert.
Lee J. Gillis, superintendent of the Rock Rapids schools, arrived Sunday, having spent the summer vacation on the road as a superintendent for the Redpath-Vawter Chautauqua System.
The board of supervisors, at a meeting Monday, instructed the county engineer to ask the highway commission for plans for a concrete bridge over the Rock River in Rock Rapids to replace the present ancient structure which the highway commission has pronounced unsafe.
County Treasurer Smock has received a consignment of 1925 automobile license plates. The 1925 numbers are black on a gray background. The 1924 numbers were white on a black background. Lyon County's number continues to be 64, although there are changes in some other counties.
September 1934
The abolition of this year's state levy on the second half of property taxes, due on or before Oct. 1, was announced Tuesday in Des Moines.
Rock Rapids is to have a state liquor store, an establishment that will probably be open for business before the middle of October.
The new floodlights on the athletic field at the high school here were put to use last night for the first time.
Work will be started within the next 40 days on a new $11,000 elevator for the Farmer's Cooperative Exchange of Rock Rapids.
Permission from Jodie Hoogendoorn, Editor, Lyon County Reporter