Ancient News
from the Lyon County Reporter
November 1884
The new organ for the Congregational Church will be here this week. We are requested to say there will be an impromptu social gathering at the church next Saturday evening to test the instrument and otherwise enjoy the evening.
A number of citizens in the west end of Rock Township have petitioned the board of supervisors to have the township divided and the west end called Cleveland
The joy of our Democratic friends is to go out this Friday evening in the shape of a banquet. A social hop will follow.
November 1894
Miss Rena Partch gave a Halloween party Wednesday evening to about 40 of her friends. There was some evidence that the gentlemen had a commission from the evil genie who do disturb good people this night, though they did not present their credentials. The disappearance of the ladies' wraps and closely-guarded viands suggested some eerie presence, if the extinguishing of the lights had not.
Lyon is considerable of a Republican county this year. The Republicans gain 242 while the Democrats lose 173 from the vote of last year on lieutenant governor. The Populist vote comes nearly altogether from Rock, Liberal, Midland, Wheeler, Larchwood and Doon (townships).
The Republicans gave vent to considerable enthusiasm at their ratification meeting Wednesday evening. The Democrats have been doing the jubilating in Lyon County for the past five or six years and it was becoming very monotonous to the other side, which did what it could to even up the score.
The firemen have received their new suits this week. They will appear in the swell uniforms at a firemen's ball to be given Thanksgiving night.
Does advertising pay? Ask Ira H. Bowen. He lives near Steen, Minn., and was married last week, less than 12 hours after meeting the bride for the first time. A small investment in printer's ink, backed up by his own prepossessing appearance, did the business for Ira and he says he would not have done better if he had known the lady all his life.
November 1904
If you ever took DeWitt's Little Early Risers for biliousness or constipation, you know what pill pleasure is (advertisement).
The Reporter is a little late this week owing to the extra amount of work necessary in preparing the delinquent tax list and the general tear-up on the election Tuesday when the whole force was either trying to "save the country" or watching the other fellows do the job. We will promise to do better in the future and as the new biennial election law will be in force next year, there will be no election to disturb the print shops for the next two years.
The opera house was used for the entertainment given by the Boston Comedy orchestra Monday evening and, although in an unfinished condition, gave promise of being very much superior to its old form.
Poles for the telephone line being put up by the Doon Telephone Co. were being hauled from Doon yesterday. The line is 16 miles long, in through territory between Doon and Alvord and already has 20 patrons.
The Rock Island road is said to be anxious to change the name of Little Rock because of confusion in shipping goods, some going to Little Rock Ark. which were intended for the Iowa town and vice versa. It is probable there will be a lusty roar from the inhabitants of our neighboring village if the company should attempt seriously to make the change.
November 1914
Local sports are having great fun every Sunday chasing jack rabbits with the pack of young greyhounds. Last Sunday, several auto loads went out to the Vogel farm northeast of town.
Larchwood voted bonds recently for the purpose of lighting that little city with electricity but now it can't sell its bonds and, of course, will defer putting in the plant.
Last Monday, the new banking and currency law went into effect. The First National and Lyon County National banks of this city have shipped a portion of their gold reserve to the regional bank at Chicago. The new law ought to help out the money market.
November 1924
Sheriff Ripley of Rock Rapids and Sheriff Sundvold of Canton, S.D., last Thursday made one of the largest hauls in the history of liquor raids in Lyon County when, with a posse, they visited the farm occupied by Albert Spickler near Klondike in the west part of the county. Some 40 barrels of mash were found on the premises and the barrels, piled high in front of the courthouse, have attracted considerable attention during the past week. Inside the courthouse was another display, quite as interesting, including oil stoves, jugs, coils and other receptacles and accessories that go with the manufacture of moonshine.
Eighty-two percent of the children of this country are forced to leave school before completing the eighth grade to aid in making a living for the family.
William Crowley has received a bronze medal from the Underwood Typewriter Co. for a 15-minute speed test in which his net rate was 44 words a minute. This is an excellent record for so extended a test.
November 1934
Thirty-five applications for old age pension assistance have already been approved and forwarded to Des Moines. One hundred and fifty in this county are now asking aid.
Lyon County voters went to the polls Tuesday, wandered all over a big ballot, disregarding party lines almost entirely, to cast one of the queerest votes ever registered in the county.
Relief work will be continued in Lyon County during the winter months, was reported late last week by E.B. Carson, relief director for the county, upon the receipt of a second federal grant amounting to $765.
As a result of the Malta fever cases which have developed in this vicinity, at least two and possibly more of the dairymen are installing pasteurizing plants in order that there may be no more complaint or danger of unpure milk.
Permission from Jodie Hoogendoorn, Editor, Lyon County Reporter