Ancient News
from the Lyon County Reporter
July 1884
Roach and Ramsey sold the southeast quarter of 17-99-44 to Pearson and Whitehead at $10.50 per acre. Their plow began immediately to deal out death and destruction to the sod.
Bert Miller, who has Tru Blue training, will give five balloon ascensions on the evening of the fourth. One will be a mammoth pig, a large fish, an elephant Jumbo, two 30-foot each meteoric or firework balloons.
The handsome new Congregational Church building will be dedicated free of debt on Sabbath morning next. There will be no other church service in town and no money to raise. Everybody in town and country is cordially invited to attend.
T.H. Pevey of Sioux City was in Rock Rapids last week on business. He bought Bradley Brothers warehouse and will be doing extensive remodeling preparatory to using it this fall. There is some talk of converting it into an elevator. We will soon have need for another one.
Prohibition knows no limit for its capabilities for good. Dr. McNab comes out an avowed prohibitionist and Republican. Since prohibition went into effect on the fourth, he has sold 19 dozen of Hostetter's bitters, equal to 55-1/2 gallons of whiskey
July 1894
The regular meeting of the city council was held Monday night. The water company was docked $75 on its rental from the city for the term from Jan. 1 to July 1 for hydrants being frozen and a warrant drawn for the balance in full, $675.
The Review has laid sewer pipe to the river for the waste water from its motor. A larger supply pipe furnished increased power and the running of the machinery appears to be adjusted for good in this office.
The Lion Banjo Co. has closed up the factory for a short time and is taking an invoice this week. A good deal of the machinery now used is too rough for their class of work and will have to be replaced. They intend starting up again as soon as convenient, but will not run as large a force as usual until times ease up a little.
Frank Creglow has bought the Larchwood Leader plant for $700. He takes possession Aug. 1 and says the paper will be Independent with Democratic leanings. This is a paying field for a good local paper in Larchwood and Creglow's can fill it.
Over 1,200 people attended the Butcher's Picnic at Doon Sunday. Half the number came on a special train from Sioux City and brought a brass band. An Omaha butcher skinned a beef and split the carcass in five minutes, 32 seconds. The contest was for $500 and the world's championship.
July 1904
Captain Maloney received the equipment for Company D this morning and the quartermaster is unpacking the clothing and arms and getting them in shape for issuance to members of the company. The arms received are of the U.S. Magazine pattern and are said to be the very latest. There are two uniforms for each member, one of khaki for service and the regulation blue for parade.
A new ruling of the post office department, which went into effect July 1, directs that "rural carriers shall not solicit business or receive orders of any kind for any person, firm or any corporation, and shall not, during their hours of employment, carry any merchandise for hire; provided, that carriers may carry merchandise for hire for and upon the request of patrons residing upon their respective routes whenever the same shall not interfere with the proper discharge of their duties; the hire for merchandise carried on request of the patron of rural free delivery must be paid by the patron and carriers will not be permitted to receive any compensation from the seller of such merchandise."
Dan Gardner and Bert Smith are constructing a steam boat for use on the river above the upper dam. The boat will be about 20 feet in length and will be capable of carrying 10 or 12 persons.
The law compelling users of gasoline to have their cans of a red color went into effect July 1.
Hal Barber and Co. of 14 people arrived on the Illinois Central from Chamberlain, S.D., Monday evening where they played four weeks during the registering at Chamberlain, presenting a different play each night and now are taking a rest before opening here Saturday.
July 1914
The automobile races at Sioux City this week are attracting the attention of all bugs in this vicinity and the fact that a former resident of Rock Rapids, Win Watson, won the stock car race on a heavy track, keeps intense interest in the sport. The Mitchell stock car made a mile a minute.
The burglary of the Joyce Lumber Yards Tuesday night suggests to the Review that it would be a most opportune time for the city council to employ a night watchman.
The Anchor Concrete Machine shops are making some very needed improvements to their buildings on account of the large increase in their business. A 16-foot addition to the rear is being added while the entire front has been made into an elegant office. The manufacture of block and tamping machinery has developed into one of the largest businesses in the city.
Superintendent Gingrich is pushing the work of putting in the electroliers and it will be but a very short time until the main street will be lighted with the new cluster lights. The cable will all be laid this week, the foundation of the posts are nearly in and next week the posts will be erected.
July 1924
May & Son this week concluded a deal for the purchase of the business of the Jones Co. and invoicing is now in progress, business continuing as usual under the new management. The firm consists of N.H. May and Gurney G. May.
The Ku Klux Klan held another meeting in a pasture north of Rock Rapids last Thursday evening. There was a talk by an organizer from outside. This was followed by the reception of new members and the burning of a cross.
The first tournament of the Rock Rapids Tennis Club has narrowed down to the finals and either Henry Visser or DeWitt Lockwood will be the champion. Lyon County had a 100 percent representation at the Republican convention at Des Moines Tuesday.
July 1934
Lyon County's board of supervisors favor the retention of the present routing of Primary No. 9 through this county – and so do members of Osceola County's board.
One thousand children in Lyon County were immunized against diphtheria during the past year, according to the annual report of the county health nurse.
A steady increase in attendance at the playground located at the rear of the high school building is noticed each evening during the hours of supervised play, those in charge report. Monday night there were 70 in attendance
"They've passed the half-way mark on their first pension tax payment." That's the report made early this week by Treasurer L.J. Dehn as receipt stubs in his office neared the 5,000 mark. About 8,000 adult residents of the county are to pay the old age pension tax this year. More than a score of Lyon County residents more than 65 years of age and financially unable to support themselves have already made application for aid under Iowa's new old-age pension law.
The Farmer-Labor convention, scheduled for Rock Rapids Tuesday evening of this week, failed to materialize. In spite of a call issued by the ninth district committeeman, party boosters failed to appear at the courthouse and when Birch or his representatives also failed to put in an appearance, the new party move died without a struggle.
Permission from Jodie Hoogendoorn, Editor, Lyon County Reporter