Ancient News
from the Lyon County Reporter
December 1884
T.W. Young, our lumber dealer, received circulars last week from a prominent Chicago liquor house advertising holiday liquors. It significantly hinted that "We put no brands or marks on boxes, therefore no one can tell what kind of goods you get, etc.: We give this publicity so that our temperance people may keep an eye out on the gentlemen.
Frank Barber complains because he has never been able to get Harry, his sons, to swallow a pill even after it has been disguised with jelly and the like. Yet he said the boy swallowed a silver quarter with ease Wednesday morning. It was suggested that, after this, he disguise the pill with silver quarters.
The survey for R.R., S.F. and N. Railroad unfortunately passes through the most beautiful part of the park across the river. There is no more attractive place in all this country than that isolated beautiful grove. In years to come, it will be a great source of pleasure to our people if it can be kept unmolested, but should the survey go where it is now located, it will be worth but little in the future.
The Congregational Church officials should make emphatic terms with the party looking after heating the church. It has occurred a number of times lately that it has become an actual task to remain through services because of a cold room. Colds taken under such circumstances are usually severe because the party can not get up and move around or otherwise protect themselves.
December 1894
The Political Equality Club will hold an open session at the residence of Lon F. Chapin Friday evening. Program includes "Why Women Want the Ballot," "When the Women of Iowa Have the Ballot," "My Wife as an Equal Suffragist" and "Toasts: Susan B. Anthony, Our Standard Bearer."
Air brakes on freight trains come in handy more ways than one. Without them, the boys on the Central southbound freight Friday would never have been able to stop the train quick enough to shoot five jackrabbits between Sioux Falls and Sheldon – and that's just what they did.
It is said that the fire which destroyed the Sykes warehouse at Larchwood last week is supposed to have been of incendiary origin. The losses were $3,000 on the building, insured for $2,000; $3,000 on E. Paulson's stock of plows, insured for $1,000, and $1,000 on a steam thresher, uninsured.
There is said to be a strong probability that the M.E. Church will erect a new house of worship next year, if the times are at all favorable. They are planning to put not less than $8,000 into an edifice when they build.
It may surprise some to learn that there is in this county an orphan's home with 41 inmates. The home is located at Beloit and is supported by the Lutheran Church.
December 1904
Dr. H.J. Brink and J.B. Ellers were up from Doon Friday. The former was suffering from the effects of a broken arm and came to receive surgical assistance. He is the possessor of an automobile and while attempting to start the "critter" with a crank, it took a notion to turn backward and did it so forcibly that it caused a bad fracture of the lower bones of the doctor's right arm, which was struck by the crank on its backward turn.
The city council, at its meeting Monday evening, put the ban of disapproval on a proposition for the fourth saloon.
Grant Vickers has been appointed by the state board of health as agent for the distribution of diagnosis outfits which are to be used by physicians for the purpose of sending to the state board cultures in the diseases of typhoid, diphtheria and tuberculosis.
Company D will give its first annual ball at the armory Tuesday evening and Sullivan's harp orchestra has been engaged for the occasion. Members of the company are making every effort to have this the swell event of the season.
December 1914
The new federal reserve bank notes put in an appearance here Monday when the Lyon County National and First National received small consignments by registered letter. Only a small consignment was received merely as a curiosity. The new money will hardly be in general circulation for some time yet as the law is only started.
About a dozen citizens met at the courthouse last Friday to devise means for the relief of the Belgian people whose country has been devastated by the war now going on and who are suffering from the lack of food.
Lady: Is your husband or brother a Mason? If so, please call and see the cozy slippers with their Lodge emblems on the front at West's Shoe Store.
December 1924
The Christian Reformed Church has bought the house and lot of William J. Katt in the west part of town. This will be used as a parsonage after March 1, 1925. The church has also bought from A.H. Husman the two adjoining lots on which the congregation, some time in the future, hopes to erect a church building.
Mayor Hampe has instructed Marshal Woodburn to put a stop to the growing practice of stopping cars in the middle of the street in front of the post office while owners go for their mail.
The first of three cribbage bouts between members of Rex Strait Post American Legion and the Lockhard Club was played Tuesday evening at the Legion rooms and won by the Legion boys by a margin of 127 points.
What is Iowa going to do about the drug store with a permit to sell whiskey and the doctor who issues large quantities of whiskey prescriptions?
The Ku Klux Klan has been showing moving pictures throughout Lyon County this week. It was shown at the Lyon Theater in Rock Rapids Monday evening.
December 1934
Persons on the relief rolls in Lyon County received their first live pork this week when 150 animals, part of the 1934 surplus collected from county corn-hog contract signers, were distributed.
The Naturecraft Co. of this city, manufacturers of a novel Christmas tree holder which has been attracting much attention here for the past several weeks, made its biggest shipment to date. That shipment consisted of 300 of the holders which went to a Sioux Falls, S.D., concern.
Permission from Jodie Hoogendoorn, Editor, Lyon County Reporter