Ancient News
from the Lyon County Reporter
August 1884
Property is rated as follows in town now: House and lot without cave, from $300 to $500; with good tornado cave, from $1,500 up. Later: We haven't brick enough to build the caves.
Soon our new opera hall will be fitted up with a fine stage, good seats and a complete outfit generally. The largest plate glass in front of the new building is 54x132 inches and about one-half inch thick.
A gentleman, who knew what he was talking about, said recently that he believed there were 600 mortgages on the recorder's books which had been satisfied but still remained there uncancelled.
There will be a meeting of the Congregational Church next Saturday afternoon and in the evening for the purpose of renting the pews. All persons wishing seats, please be present and make selections.
August 1894
Dr. Vail just received the latest electrical apparatus for medical use. It is known as the static electric machine, develops every current known and costs $550. The doctor has made a special study of electricity as a remedial agent ever since he began practice and is quite an enthusiast in this interesting field of research, to which some of the most eminent men in the profession are directing their attention.
The new Christian Church will reach an interesting stage in its history next Tuesday – the laying of the cornerstone.
E. Fitzgerald invested in a half-section of Rock County dirt last week. It is well improved and at $24 per acre for the farm and crop, he thinks he has a bargain – in fact, the correctness of his judgment is confirmed by an offer of $2 an acre advance over the purchase price already received.
Landlord Kenyon of the Rock Rapids House and some of the adjacent property owners have employed a private nightwatch. There is quite a floating population in town, as usual at this time of year, carousing on the streets at night and risk of accidental fires is uncomfortably great. A nightwatch for the whole street would not be a bad idea.
August 1904
The Devil's Lake Reservation comprises 110,000 acres in the heart of North Dakota. Registration for the lands open to settlement begins at Devil's Lake Aug. 8.
John P. DeNeui and Louis Bodum last Monday made the run from Rock Rapids to George in their automobile, a distance of 15 miles in 37 minutes. This is going some, especially on Lyon County roads only two days after the biggest rain storm of the season.
Hoyt Thompson has received, from the makers at Veasie, Maine, a fine cedar canoe capable of carrying four persons. The boat is 6 feet in length and weighs 85 pounds. It is the neatest craft in this section of the country and the owner is justly proud of his purchase.
Inwood: The rural free delivery of mail began promptly on Monday. There were 165 boxes on the three routes to begin with.
August 1914
Terry's Uncle Tom's Cabin show, which exhibited here Saturday evening, was greeted by a large audience. The players were all good and the audience was greatly pleased
Many Germans and Hollanders who live in Lyon County have received cable-grams from the fatherland instructing them to report at once for duty in the army of their country. As a consequence, there is a general rush to become naturalized American citizens. County Attorney Fisher has been consulted by several from different parts of the county who have been asked to report for duty. They were very much exercised over the situation until assured by Mr. Fisher that they could not be taken from this country to serve in the army of their native country and, if they went, it would be voluntary on their part.
H.S. Muilenberg of Orange City was here over Sunday and perfected the organization of a Reformed Holland Church Society. The meeting place will be the Norwegian Lutheran Church for the present, but it is expected a new edifice will be erected next year. Mr. Muilenberg says this section is fast filling up with Hollanders and it will not be long before they will out number any other nationality.
After Sept. 3, 1914, Iowa grocers will have to sell everything strictly by weight. All packages must have the new weight printed or stamped on the wrapper. Otherwise, it will be subject to confiscation. With the exception of onion sets and berries, all produce usually sold by the bushel will have to be sold by weight. Berry boxes must be full quart or pint measure. This applies to milk sold in bottles, the quantity having to be stamped or printed on the bottle to conform with the new regulations.
August 1924
R.C. Yappen drove from Rock Rapids to Dubuque over the A-Y-P Highway and says it is one of the best marked of all the trails on his long trip to Ohio.
Rock Rapids' first new water tournament was held at the new swimming pool at Island Park Tuesday evening and was a success from every viewpoint: the events being run off with dispatch, contestants showing much zest and a large crowd thoroughly enjoying the occasion.
Boosters for LaFollette for President met at Unity Hall Tuesday evening and named William Oldenburg, Herman Geick, Richard Rohlff and Tony Willemssen as delegates to the state convention to be in Des Moines Aug. 16.
Brown's Pantorium, the well-known dry cleaning establishment of Sioux Falls, S.D., has a Rock Rapids agent, Miss Alice Hill. If you have anything to be cleaned, take it to her at Miss Anna Barron's.
August 1934
Lyon County may pass the 4,000 mark in automobile registration this year – if county farmers get their corn-hog benefit payments within the next few weeks.
Stockholders of the Farmers' Cooperative Exchange of Rock Rapids will soon be asked to approve a proposal to construct a new grain storage elevator in this city, a plant to replace the one now owned by the association located on the Rock Island tracks between Boone and Story streets.
Rock Rapids is to have a lighted athletic field where, in the future, many of the outdoor events in which high school city athletes take part, will be staged. Members of the council and the mayor signified their approval of the project and authorized the purchase of the necessary equipment by the city, after members of the school board had agreed to pay a minimum of $100 a year for maintenance and operation of the equipment after it is installed.
Did you know S.R. Harris? Do you know anyone that did know that pioneer of Lyon County? According to the best information available here, Harris was the first postmaster. He served at Gibraltar – the first post office which is now known as Gitchie Manitou State Park. The office was established on Dec. 7, 1869. It was a short-lived station, being closed on Dec. 22, 1871.
Permission from Jodie Hoogendoorn, Editor, Lyon County Reporter